Then came the Great Exodus.
The Earth, her soil fatally stained by the Corporations' years of environmental abuse, inevitably showed humanity the consequences of their indifference. Her riches and resources exhausted; the atmosphere gradually surrendered to the heavy pollution spewed out by the Corporate societies.
New diseases emerged out of Mother Earth's womb. Viruses started to spread like wildfire, some more fatal or dangerous than others. All Corporations issued mandatory virus tests and people contaminated by the most heinous ones where stripped of their corporate affiliation and shipped like cattle in huge transport vessels to enormous underground quarantine bunkers in South America. In the end, South America was completely isolated and its civilization left to its destiny. This was not enough.
The Corporate leaders, working together for the first time in centuries, enacted massive plans to save their people, and their livelihoods. Luna, Mars, Venus, even Mercury were terraformed to accept humanity. Enormous arks were constructed to carry the best and brightest to their new homes. Capitol ventured to the moon; Bauhaus tamed the wild jungles of Venus; Mishima fortified themselves within the soil of Mercury; Imperial, ever unwanted, sent their Conquistadors to every corner of the solar system, only to settle among the floating rocks of the Asteroid Belt. The brightest of humanity was saved.
But that is another story.
The vast rest of us were left here by the Great Abandonment, plagued by disease, ruin, famine and anarchy. Our planet's climate and environment changed rapidly. The Ozone layer, frayed and torn, yielded to strange greenhouse effects which twisted the Earth, as well as the beings left to suffer its desolate soil.
And then the Dark Symmetry awoke.
Paranoia and corruption clutched what was left of the civilization. Small groups of chosen people were evacuated in makeshift underground shelters as nuclear launches targeted Earth's continents in a last attempt to wipe out the sources of disease. South America was struck hardest, parts of it sinking into the Atlantic. The skies blackened with nuclear dust and ash. The chosen ones ascended from their makeshift shelters as the remnants of civilization struggled and died. Entire nations formed, and fought. Empires expanded. The primitive peoples explored the ancient ruins that escaped the destruction. They rediscovered caches of old technologies long forgotten, and weapons to make the strong even stronger.
And amongst it all, the Dark Legion toiled. They befriended tribal leaders, and made enemies of the pure. They coexisted with humanity, and were welcomed with open arms by many. They taught, they controlled, and they grew in power with their human allies.
And during all these centuries, one thing was remembered by all: how their off-world kinsmen had abandoned them. Far away on Luna, the Brotherhood became aware of the reawakened Earth. They saw the progression of civilization, and they felt the taint of the Dark Legion. They looked down upon their long-forgotten birthplace with dread. For they knew a new paradise had formed. A paradise formed of warfare, tribal rule, and the taint of evil. And they renamed the Earth in its new image...DARK EDEN.
DARK EDEN is a new collectable card game based on the MUTANT CHRONICLES techno-fantasy setting. You may already be familiar with the first MUTANT CHRONICLES collectable card game, DOOMTROOPER. While DARK EDEN and DOOMTROOPER do share a conceptual origin, they are completely different games, with different goals and different strategies. You do not need to be familiar with DOOMTROOPER to play DARK EDEN.
In DARK EDEN, each player plays a Commander on forsaken Earth, struggling to develop and maintain their Dominion against the invading hordes of other players. As Commander, you must defend your Turf , while at the same time send your Warband out to raid your opponents' Dominions. In addition to all this warfare you must balance the essential Natural Resources necessary to build your Turf, train your peoples, and develop new technologies. In order to win the game you must Raze your opponents' Establishments to gain Victory Points (VPs). The first player to reach 50 VPs wins the game.
The actual rules of the game take up less than half of this rulebook. These first few pages explain the game concepts, the various types of cards and their features, and getting ready to play. After that, the actual rules begin, which are very easy to read and understand. Finally, the rulebook concludes with a section called NOTES FROM THE MASTERS. This section covers a few game topics that you probably won't need to know about right away, such as timing, deck building and questions you may have after playing a few times.
At least two players are required to play DARK EDEN, although the game may be played by any number of people. Each player must have their own deck of playing cards. Each Starter Deck contains 58 playing cards and 2 Commander cards. You may only use one Commander in a game. This card represents you, the player. The rest of the cards form your play deck. Use the cards you received with this rulebook (putting the extra Commander aside) or design a deck of your own based on the cards you possess. Designing your own deck is one of the beauties of DARK EDEN; guidelines are found in the DESIGNING A DECK section later in the rules.
In addition to your decks, you need a number of markers to keep track of your Gold Reserves and other factors. Coins, beads or gaming stones make great markers.
As you play DARK EDEN, you will lay cards out in front of you on the table. This area is called your DOMINION. Each player will develop and maintain his or her own Dominion.
When the game begins, you only have your Commander card in play, but you will add other cards to your Dominion as play progresses.
In DARK EDEN, you take turns playing cards, manipulating your resources and doing battle with your opponents. During your turn you first perform actions, which are commands you as a Commander give to your forces. You then check to see if you have enough resources to support your forces. You may then have your warriors attack other players' warriors and raid their Dominions. After that your turn has finished, and it is your opponent's turn. The game continues until a player has collected enough Victory Points to win the game.
Your Commander and certain other cards provide a certain amount of valuable natural resources. There are represented by Resource Icons. Many cards will consume these icons in order to stay in play. If a card shows blue resource icons, it means the card provides those icons. If a card shows red resource icons, it requires those icons. Some cards have both blue and red icons, meaning it first consumes resources, and then provides them. The icons are:
The Gold resource does not necessarily represent the precious metal gold. Instead it is a blanket term referring to all kinds of riches and anything that has value.
Gold is the only resource you may collect and store for future use. Gold is very important because many cards require an initial payment to be played, and others require a routine Gold payment to maintain the card and keep it in play. Budgeting your Gold is often a key to victory!
Every living creature needs Food to survive. If your forces can't eat, they can't very well fight!
This is another blanket term that covers everything from timber and rocks to alloys and tools. Raw Materials are needed to build and maintain just about everything.
Fuel is very important if you want to light and heat your Establishments and add Vehicles to your forces. You may not need Fuel right away, but you'll want it soon enough!
Before we begin with the actual rules of the game, we first must go over the various types of cards and their features. You may wish to pull out the cards you received in your Starter Deck and take a look at the various types of cards as they are described.
Each Commander card represents one of the leaders that strives to control the lands of DARK EDEN and represents the headquarters where the Commander resides at all times, maintaining his or her Dominion. You only use one Commander card in the game, since this card represents you, the player. All Commander cards have a horizontal orientation.
CARD NAME: The name of the Commander that you are playing.
AFFILIATION ICON: This icon tells you about that Commander's Affiliation. The affiliation icon will usually tell you which major tribe the Commander hails from, or it may represent one of the other major powers. DARK EDEN features the following affiliations:
THE SONS OF RASPUTIN. The Sons Of Rasputin are strong in the northern and northeastern portions of the area once known as Europe. Their vast smoke-spewing, coal-driven cities are like blisters on the surface of the world, augmenting the already-polluted atmosphere. Their constantly-expanding reich knows no bound, and anyone who refuses to surrender to their huge war machines and technological advantages will suffer dire consequences.
THE TEMPLARS. The Temple of the Deified Children of Mother Earth reigns supreme in the southwest and central part of what used to be Europe. Their symbol of supremacy - two crossed tusks - is everywhere. Not only are they the most organized of the European tribes, they are also the most zealous. They are a race of genetically mutated humans, perfectly adapted to the Earth's toxic environment. The Templars have proclaimed themselves the true rulers of Dark Eden, and feel their genetic evolution is nature's way of saying they are the justified heirs of the Earth. They see the normal people as slaves and workers in this new world - their new world.
THE LUTHERAN TRIAD. In the northwest, the Lutheran Triad struggles to defend their lands against the ruthless Sons of Rasputin invading from the east and the malicious Templars from the south. Hopelessly outnumbered, they place their hope in kin, courage and faith. Their holy Patriarchs lead them with words of devotion and self-sacrificing rituals. In order to survive in their forsaken world, each Lutheran is surgically altered at birth, resulting in a completely smooth lower face. Communication is by telepathy and sign language. Filtered ventilation and nutrition is provided by a small metallic apparatus inserted into the back of the neck, its dual pipes thrust into the gullet and windpipe. This necessary mutilation combined with telepathic bonds have a powerful effect on their common faith and dedication to the tribe.
CRESCENTIA. With roots in southeastern Europe, the nomadic tribes of Crescentia constantly move on in their eternal quest to find a home. These nomads breed tremendous beasts that serve as workers, protectors and battle support. The largest beasts are used to carry whole parts of their villages from locale to locale. Their chosen leader, the Khan, guides them with pride, confidence and the power of their legends, spoken or visualized through the holy Prophets.
THE DARK LEGION. Throughout the solar system, the Dark Legion descended upon the worlds of mankind like a scythe, leaving destruction, despair and corruption in its wake. Their huge citadels discharge hideous monsters bent on total domination. Valpurgius, former Archmagus of the nepharite Alakhai, rules the forces on Dark Eden with a mix of overt power and subtle manipulation. Some suffer from the Legion's horrific onslaughts, others actually welcome their influence and aid. Whatever the method, the Dark Legion is dedicated to the complete overthrow of humanity.
THE MEGACORPORATIONS. During the Great Exodus, which the inhabitants of Dark Eden refer to as the Great Abandonment, the four dominating corporate powers, Bauhaus, Capitol, Imperial and Mishima, constructed massive arks to carry their essential personnel away from the Earth, never to return. They colonized the inner planets and quickly expanded their already-great empires. Recently, a new major corporate power has emerged, Cybertronic, increasing interplanetary conflicts. All five Megacorporations have ignored Dark Eden until recently. Perhaps they have come back to take what little natural resources are left. Perhaps they require more room to expand. Or perhaps there is another reason....
THE BROTHERHOOD. Rising above the unending corporate wars are the members of the Brotherhood, the spiritual guardians of humanity. At their head stands the Cardinal, and beneath him are countless Missionaries, Inquisitors and Mortificators ready to purify the souls of humanity with the mystical powers of the Art. In this age of conflict, dark influence and heresy, the power of the Brotherhood knows no bounds. For centuries they have watched the Earth, awaiting the fateful day when the Cardinal's Cleansing Flame would find a new target.
Note that in the DARK EDEN basic set, there are very few cards with the Megacorp or Brotherhood affiliation. More will be introduced in expansion sets.
COMBAT VALUE: This number is the Combat Value (or CV) of the Commander. Many cards in DARK EDEN have Combat Values. This number represents how strong the card is in combat. This number also represents how many Victory Points (VPs) the card is worth if it is razed.
BATTLE TACTICS: Commanders may be raided by Land, by Sea or by Air. These are called Battle Tactics. Each warrior may attack and raid by one, two or even all three of the Battle Tactics. These icons will tell you what kind of Tactics an invasion force must use when raiding the Commander.
If the Commander has the Land icon, it may be raided by Land.
If the Commander has the Sea icon, it may be raided by Sea.
If the Commander has the Air icon, it may be raided by Air.
Some Commanders have one, two or even all three icons. The more icons it has, the more vulnerable it is.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Each Commander has a certain special ability to separate it from the others, and make it unique.
RESOURCE ICONS: Underneath the Commander's special ability are a number of icons. These represent the natural resources that the Commander already produces, or has access to at the start of the game. The more resource icons a Commander has, the more of that type of resource he has available to his Dominion. Note that these icons are in blue, telling you that the Commander card provides these icons.
There are three different Card Types: Establishments, Warriors and Intrigue cards.
Establishments make up the core of your Dominion. They represent the buildings and areas around your Turf, and form a small encampment or town. These cards give you control over additional resources and the ability to play cards you normally couldn't play. They also help to protect your Commander card from raids. However, they are also vulnerable to raids and are worth Victory Points to your opponents if they are razed. Like Commanders, all Establishment cards have a horizontal orientation.
CARD NAME: The name of the Establishment.
NEIGHBOR ALLOWANCE: This is a number from 1 to 4, and tells you how many other Establishments may be built or exist next to this card.
COMBAT VALUE: This number is the Combat Value (or CV) of the building (and the workers defending it from within), and represents how strong the Establishment is in combat (or how difficult it is to tear down). This number also represents the number of Victory Points (VPs) the Establishment is worth if it is razed.
AFFILIATION ICON: Just like Commanders, each Establishment card has an affiliation. These icons correspond to the affiliation icons found on the Commander cards. IMPORTANT: If no affiliation icon is on the card, it is assumed to be of the General affiliation. Most Establishments are of the General affiliation, and therefore have no icon.
BATTLE TACTICS: Like Commanders, Establishments have Battle Tactics. These icons will tell you what kind of Tactics an invasion force must use when raiding this Establishment.
CARD EFFECT: This notes box tells you any special rules that the card provides.
RESOURCE ICONS: Most Establishments require icons to be in play, others provide them as well. If blue icons are shown, it means the card provides those icons. If red icons are shown, it means the card consumes those icons. Some Establishments have both red and blue resource icons, indicating that the Establishment first requires icons, and then produces them after its needs are met.
Warriors make up your fighting forces. These cards are used to defend your Turf, attack your opponents' warriors, and raid their Establishments.
COMBAT VALUE: This number is the Combat Value (or CV) of the warrior, and represents how strong the card is in combat. IMPORTANT: Warriors are NOT worth any VPs!
BATTLE TACTICS: Like Commanders and Establishments, warriors have Battle Tactics. Each warrior may attack and raid by one, two or even all three of the Battle Tactics. These icons will tell you in what kind of Tactics that warrior may participate.
If the warrior has the Land icon, it is considered a Trooper and may attack and raid by Land.
If the warrior has the Sea icon, it is considered a Sailor and may attack and raid by Sea.
If it has the Air icon, it is considered a Flyer and may attack and raid by Air.
Some warriors have one, two or even all three icons. The more icons it has, the more versatile a fighter it is.
CARD EFFECT: This notes box tells you any special rules or effects that the card provides. One of the first words on a warrior card will always be INFANTRY, CAVALRY or VEHICLE. These are the three main types of warrior in DARK EDEN. These terms will become important through subsequent card play.
INFANTRY are humans and humanoids that serve as basic warriors. Unlike CAVALRY and VEHICLES, you may play Infantry cards right away.
CAVALRY are hulking beasts and the beings who ride or control them. Some beasts carry one rider, others can carry entire legions! Cavalry are very specialized. You may not play Cavalry cards until another card permits you to play them!
VEHICLES are large pieces of machinery that are usually very specialized, very powerful, and very expensive. They tend to require a great deal of Raw Materials and Fuel. Vehicles include the beings who operate them. Vehicles are also very specialized. Like Cavalry, you may not play Vehicle cards until another card permits you to play them!
All the rest of the cards in DARK EDEN are called Intrigue Cards, and they all have the same format. Intrigue cards have many uses, and are essential in your quest for domination. Intrigue cards represent everything from equipment to special powers to elements of fate to your personal influence. These cards will state on them when and how they may be played, what they may be played on, and what their effects are.
AFFILIATION ICON: Almost every Intrigue card is of the General affiliation, and therefore has no affiliation icon on it. However, a few are more specialized, and will show an affiliation icon.
COMBAT VALUE: If there is a number listed, it is usually preceded with a + or - sign. This indicates the modifier to CV provided by that card. If there is no number listed, then the card does not have or effect a CV. IMPORTANT: These cards are NOT worth any VPs (only Commanders and Establishments are worth VPs).
CARD EFFECT: The special abilities of the card. Often the first words of an Intrigue card will be a Designation. Common designations are EQUIPMENT, DARK SYMMETRY, RITUAL, and PROPHECY. These designations give the Intrigue card a more-specific definition in the game. For example, an Intrigue card with the designation of EQUIPMENT can also be thought of as an Equipment card. The rules for many of these designations are found later in the rules.
ONCE-PLAYED INSTRUCTIONS: After you play each card, something must be done with it. This icon tells you what to do after you play a card (or once the effects of the card are completed). There are three such icons:
(+) ATTACH: The card is permanently attached to the card or thing it is played on. The card is considered an attachment. The attachment can only be broken through card play or if the base card is discarded (in which case all its attachments are discarded as well).
(-) DISCARD: The card is placed in your discard pile.
(X)ANNIHILATE: The card is placed in your annihilated pile. It has been removed from the game and may not return. Note that a card that is annihilated has NOT been discarded, it has been annihilated. This is a big difference. Annihilation is more powerful than discarding, and takes precedence. For example, a card that may not be discarded may be annihilated (and a card that may not be annihilated may be discarded).
Just a few more things to go over, and then it's time to play!
Affiliation has an important role in DARK EDEN. A Commander's heritage has a dramatic effect on the kinds of cards he can put into play. In all circumstances, a player may only play a card if the card's affiliation matches the Commander's affiliation, or the card does not have an affiliation icon. Cards without a specific affiliation icon are assumed to be of the General affiliation, and may be played by all players. Most Establishments and Intrigue cards do not have an affiliation icon, and therefore may be played by any player. Even a few Warrior cards are unaffiliated. It is possible to play cards of other affiliations, but only by playing other cards first.
Example - KOMMENDANT LEITHEUSSER is a Commander with the Sons of Rasputin affiliation. Leitheusser may only play cards with the Sons of Rasputin or General affiliation. During play, Leitheusser builds a DARK LEGION CITADEL (which has the General affiliation). The Citadel allows Leitheusser to play Dark Legion-affiliated cards in addition to Sons of Rasputin and General cards.
Exception: For beginning players, see YOUR FIRST FEW GAMES at the end of the rules.
Most Establishment and Warrior cards (plus a few others) will have red resource icons on the bottom of the card. That means it requires you to spend certain types and amounts of natural resources in order to keep it in play. Your Commander card will provide some of those icons, and others can be provided by certain cards (mostly Establishments). Cards which provide resources will show the same icons, but they will be colored blue. For example, the card BOOT CAMP shows 1 red Food icon and 1 red Raw Materials icon. In order to keep that card in play, you must use up 1 blue Food icon and 1 blue Raw Materials icon each turn.
Some cards state that they have an INITIAL COST to play. This cost may represent building an Establishment, training a warrior, or breeding a beast. The card will state Initial Cost: # on it. The number listed is what you must pay from your Gold Reserves to play the card. You only have to pay this cost when you initially put the card into play. If the card is somehow discarded and you wish to play another copy of it (or the same copy if you manage to get it back into your hand), you must pay the Initial Cost again. If the card does not state that it has an Initial Cost, then no extra Gold must be paid to play the card.
There may be times while playing DARK EDEN that you gain control (and possession) of other player's cards. You are never allowed to keep those cards after the game is over.
Finally, the most important rule: in all circumstances, if the rules on a card go against the rules found in this manual, the rules on the card take precedence.
Each player should come to the game with a play deck. For your first few games, we recommend that you stick to the cards that came with this rulebook. Once you are familiar with the game, you can experiment with designing your own decks! Along with your play deck, each player should also bring the Commander card that he or she will play. Make sure all players have plenty of space on the table in front of them. To start the game, all players should follow these steps:
1) PLACE COMMANDERS - Each player simultaneous reveals which Commander they will play during the game. If two players are using the same Commander, they must exchange play decks and play with their opponent's deck! If this happens, you may not look through your new deck before the game starts. The multiple Commanders are considered two completely different individuals. Place the Commander on the table in front of you, forming the beginning of your Turf.
2) SHUFFLE DECKS - Each player shuffles their draw deck and offers it to an opponent to cut.
3) FORM DISCARD PILE - Each player takes the top 3 cards of their draw deck and places them in their discard piles. Do not look at these cards. Note that in DARK EDEN, all discards are placed face-down, and you may not look through your own or another player's discard pile (unless a card allows it).
4) OPENING DRAW - Each player draws 7 cards from his or her deck to form his or her hand.
THE GIFT OF FATE: If you do not like the 7 cards you drew, you may claim the Gift of Fate. Announce the Gift to your opponents, place the cards in your discard pile and draw 7 new cards. You do not have to show your discarded cards to your opponents. You must use the second set of cards you draw.
5) FORM COMMON POOL - Place a number of markers in the center of the table, within easy reach of all the players. This is the Common Pool, and it is from here that players will draw their Gold Reserves during the game.
6) FORM INDIVIDUAL GOLD RESERVES - Each player takes 5 markers from the Common Pool and places them next to their draw decks. This pile is your Gold Reserves.
During your turn, you follow an order of play consisting of six steps. When you are finished, your opponent's turn starts. Each step must be completed before going on to the next. The six steps are as follows:
1) Draw
2) Perform Actions
3) Balance Resources
4) Attack
5) Raid
6) Discard
Draw cards from your draw pile until you have 7 cards in your hand. If you already have 7 or more cards in your hand at the beginning of this step, you may not draw cards. If you ever run out of cards in your draw pile, simply shuffle your discard pile and form a new draw pile (you do not have to discard three cards like you did at the beginning of the game).
You may perform the following actions as many times as you wish and in any order. You may even perform the same actions more than once during your turn. You are limited only by the cards in your hand, or the amount of Gold in your Reserves! There are a few other restrictions, which are noted below. Finally, you do not have to perform any actions if you do not wish to. The available actions are:
Build Establishment
Muster Warrior
Perform Triad Ritual
Invoke Crescentian Prophecy
Bestow Dark Symmetry
Form Attack Group
Form Defense Group
You may place an Establishment card from your hand into your Turf.
You may place a warrior card from your hand into either your Borderlands or your Warband. If you place the card in your Borderlands, that card defends your Turf from the other players' forces. If you place it in your Warband, it is able to attack your opponents' warriors and raid their Turfs.
You may move any one warrior from your Borderlands to your Warband, or from your Warband to your Borderlands.
Many Intrigue cards are designated as EQUIPMENT. Equipment cards represent most of the gear and general stuff that can be given to warriors and other cards. Equipment is usually used to increase combat abilities, or to provide special abilities to their owners. You may attach an Equipment card from your hand to a card that may have the item.
Some Intrigue cards are designated as RITUAL. These cards represent the acts that some members of the Lutheran Triad are able to perform which result in strange effects. Rituals are usually performed before battle on the Lutheran forces to increase combat abilities, or to provide special powers.
To Perform a Ritual, you must have at least one copy of the PATRIARCH card anywhere in your Dominion, or a card that is designated as a PATRIARCH. If you have a Patriarch in your forces, simply play the Ritual card from your hand and place it on the table. The effects of a Ritual last until the beginning of your next turn, at which point it is discarded.
Some Intrigue cards are designated as PROPHECY. These cards represent the powerful words a Crescentian Prophet may give to his people, creating strong feelings and effects.
To Invoke a Prophecy, you must have at least one copy of the PROPHET card anywhere in your Dominion, or a card that is designated as a PROPHET. If you have a Prophet in your forces, simply play the Prophecy card from your hand and attach it to your Commander. It remains there throughout the game (unless discarded by Intrigue card play or raiding, see below). While in play, Prophecies continue to have effect on your forces.
Some Intrigue cards are designated as DARK SYMMETRY. Various Dark Legion warriors and a few human allies may be blessed with mysterious abilities by their overlords, the Dark Apostles. These abilities are called the Dark Symmetry.
Because this action (and the following one) deals with combat, it may not make too much sense right now. You may wish to return to this action after you have read the rules for Attacking and Raiding.
You may join some of the warriors in your Warband together to form an Attack Group. When you form an Attack Group, you designate that a certain number of the warriors in your Warband will attack as a single unit until you are done attacking this turn.
You may join some of the warriors in your Warband or Borderlands together to form a Defense Group. When you form a Defense Group, you designate that a certain number of your warriors will defend as a single unit until the beginning of your next turn.
Forming a Defense Group is exactly like forming an Attack Group, except for a few differences:
During this step, you compare the resource icons provided by your cards to those cards that are in play and require resources, to see if they are balanced.
To balance your Dominion, follow these simple steps:
1) Count up the number of blue Food Icons in your Dominion. Each blue icon represents one Food resource you receive.
2) Spend these resources on all cards in your Dominion that have red Food icons. Each red icon requires one Food resource in order to be maintained. If all of a card's red icons are paid for, that card is Balanced.
3) If you do not have enough resources to pay for all the red icons, any cards that are not fully paid for must be discarded! You may choose to not pay the resources for a card, even if you are able to. In effect you are intentionally discarding it. You may discard a warrior's attachments individually (for example, a piece of Equipment that is using too many resources). If you discard a warrior, all of its attachments are discarded as well.
4) Repeat steps 1-3 for your Raw Materials, Fuel and Gold icons. When you check your Gold, you also perform one extra step:
5) If you have any Gold resource icons left over after balancing, you may add this wealth to your Reserves. For each surplus Gold icon, place one marker from the Common Pool into your Gold Reserves Pool. As stated above, you may choose not to pay the Gold requirement of a card (thereby discarding it) to increase the Gold Units you may place in your Reserves. Only Gold may be saved. Surplus icons of the other resources are wasted.
During your balance step you may pay for required resource icons by spending the Gold Units in your Reserves. If you are short blue icons, you may temporarily gain them by spending a certain number of Gold Units. To pay for a required Gold icon, you may spend ONE Gold Unit from your Reserves. For ALL OTHER resource icons, you may pay for one icon by spending TWO Gold Units.
Example - Henrik has discovered that he is short 2 Gold icons and 3 Food icons in order to Balance his Dominion. He decides to pay for these needed resources by spending markers from his Gold Reserves. Henrik will have to spend 2 markers to pay for the needed Gold resources (at one marker per needed icon) and 6 markers to pay for all three Food icons (at two markers per icon).
The order in which you balance your resources is really up to you. The steps given above are just an easy step-by-step method to introduce you to the procedure. The order usually doesn't matter. However, there are times when it does matter. For those cards that have both red and blue icons on them, it is important that a card does not give anything out until its own needs are met. You may not use any of the blue icons on a card until all of the red icons on it have been provided for. Also, you cannot collect surplus Gold until all your Gold-producing cards have their resource needs met. What this means is that you may have to balance all four resources at the same time. This is actually how it is usually done, and is not nearly as involved as it may sound when reading this for the first time.
During this step you may send one or more of your warriors out to kill your opponents' warriors. You may perform multiple attacks in a single turn. Attacking is the primary way to get rid of an opponent's warriors so you can raid his or her Turf! When you attack, you send a single warrior or Attack Group against an opponent's single warrior or Defense Group.
Combat is a very straightforward affair, and is broken down into a number of simple steps:
1) Announce Attacker and Defender
2) Announce Battle Tactic
3) Determine Combat Standing
4) Modify Combat
5) Resolve Combat
1) ANNOUNCE ATTACKER AND DEFENDER - Announce which warrior or Attack Group in your Warband will be the Attacker, and which opponent's warrior or Defense Group will be the Defender of the attack.
2) ANNOUNCE BATTLE TACTIC - Announce how you will attack. Your choices are by Land, by Sea or by Air. The chosen Tactic must match the Battle Tactic icons found on all combatants.
Example - Your Lutheran Triad CORSAIR is attacking your opponent's Crescentia PROPHET. Your Corsair has the Land and Sea icons, so it is a Trooper and a Sailor. The Prophet has the Land icon, so it is a Trooper. Your Corsair may only attack the Prophet by Land, because they are both Troopers. Your Corsair could not attack the Prophet by Sea, because the Prophet is not a Sailor.
You may notice that most of the DARK EDEN basic set deals with conflict by Land. This is intentional, since right now the game takes place in the area once known as central Europe. Sea and Air conflict will have a greater impact when expansions are released and we introduce more of the DARK EDEN setting.
4) DETERMINE COMBAT STANDING - Look at the CV of the Attacker (or the total CVs of the Attack Group) and compare it to the CV of the Defender (or the total CVs of the Defense Group). The side with the higher number is winning. Be sure to include the effects of Equipment and other existing card effects which will modify the combatants' CVs.
WEAPONS AND ARMOR - Many EQUIPMENT cards are further designated as WEAPON or ARMOR. These designations are very important. While a combatant is normally allowed to use as many individual Equipment cards as it owns, it may only use one Weapon and one Armor during combat, even if the combatant has different kinds of Weapons and Armors.
5) MODIFY COMBAT - Lots of interesting things can happen during this step, so it is important to take turns when playing modifiers. Starting with the Attacking player, then the Defending player, and then everyone else, players take turns playing or activating cards which have an effect on combat. All cards which may be played during combat will state Play during combat or Play at any time on them. Cards that say *Play during a raid* may NOT be played during combat. Play as many cards as you like, and then indicate that you're finished. Once all the players have had a chance to play cards, the Attacker may then play additional cards, and so on, until all players no longer wish to play any cards. If a player chooses not to play any cards, he or she may still play cards later in the combat (when his or her turn to modify the combat comes around again).
6) RESOLVE COMBAT - The side with the higher total Combat Value is the winner. The loser is killed and discarded. In case of equal numbers, the combat is a tie, and neither combatant is killed. Certain combatants may have the power to win battles in case of a tie. If two such combatants tie, neither wins. Also, some card effects may cause a combat to end in an unbreakable tie. This means that no special ability may break the tie, and the combat is still a draw.
If a Group loses the combat, all of the Groups' members are killed and discarded. If the result is a tie, any one combatant can break the tie if it has the ability, even if it is a member of a Group.
Remember that after you have performed all of your attacks, all of your Attack Groups disband. The warriors in your Defense Groups remain together until the beginning of your next turn.
During this step you may raid your opponents' Establishments and Commander cards, so you may Raze them and earn Victory Points. When you raid, you gather your warriors together and directly assault an opponent's Establishment or Commander card. If your opponent has no warriors in his or her Borderlands able to defend with a particular Battle Tactic you may Raid that opponent's Turf using that method of attack. For example, if your opponent has no warriors able to defend by Sea in his or her Borderlands, you may raid his or her Turf by Sea (with your Sailors).
Raiding is simple. Just follow these steps:
1) Announce Raid Target
2) Announce Battle Tactic
3) Raiders are Announced
4) Determine Raid Standing
5) Modify Raid
6) Resolve Raid
1) ANNOUNCE RAID TARGET - Tell your opponent that you are raiding his or her Turf, and announce the target of the raid. The target may be any one Establishment in the opponent's Turf provided that the target card has at least one vulnerable card edge. A vulnerable edge is one that is not adjacent to another card, or is not completely surrounded by other cards. The graphic below will illustrate this point. All lighter cards may be raided. All darker cards may not be raided, because they either have all four sides protected by another card, or their exposed sides are completely surrounded by other cards. Note the two cards in the lower right corner still prevent the inside cards from being raided, because raiders do not enter a Turf diagonally.
If a Turf has no other Establishments in it, then a player may raid the Commander card. The only time a player may raid a Commander is if there are no other Establishments in the Turf (although a few cards may make it possible).
2) ANNOUNCE BATTLE TACTIC - Announce how you will raid the Turf (either by Land, by Sea or by Air). The Establishment or Commander must be able to be raided using that Tactic. This is determined by the Battle Tactic listed on the Establishment or Commander card (for example, an Establishment with the Land and Sea icons may only be raided by Land or by Sea). Also, any individual warrior or Defense Group in that player's Borderlands able to defend using that Tactic will be able to sound the alarms and will automatically prevent you from raiding, so don't bother. You'll have to kill or remove those sentries first!
A VERY IMPORTANT RULE: When you form a Defense Group, the members of that Group may ONLY defend your Turf using their common Tactics. That means that even though a warrior has a certain Battle Tactic icon, it may not block a raid if the other members of the Defense Group do not also have that icon.
Example - You have three warriors in your Borderlands. Two of the warriors are Trooper/Sailors and the third is a Trooper/Sailor/Flyer. During your Actions step you formed a Defense Group of all three of these warriors (forming a Group of Trooper/Sailors, since Land and Sea are their common Tactics). During your opponent's Raid step, she decides to Raid you by Air. Even though you have a Flyer in your Borderlands, it may not prevent the raid because it is tied up in a Group that may only defend by Land and by Sea.
3) RAIDERS ARE ANNOUNCED - Announce any number of warriors in your Warband who have not raided during this turn to take part in the raid. You don't have to form an Attack Group to raid, you may automatically gather as many raiders as you wish to take part. All participating raiders must be able to use the chosen Tactic (for example, if you are raiding by Air, all raiders must be Flyers).
Remember that warriors in Defense Groups may not partake in a raid. They are too busy watching their own backs!
Unlike Attack and Defense Groups, warriors designated as SOLITARY may join a raiding party. The SOLITARY designation only applies when forming Attack and Defense Groups.
4) DETERMINE RAID STANDING - Add up the modified CVs of all the raiders and compare it to the modified CV of the target. The higher number is winning. Equipment and other attachments may be used as normal.
5) MODIFY RAID - Players now take turns playing or activating any additional modifiers. Start with the raiding player, then the defending player, and then all other players. Continue until all players no longer wish to play any cards. An important thing to remember here is that cards that say *Play during combat* may NOT be played during a raid. Only cards that state *Play during a raid* or *Play at any time* may be played.
6) RESOLVE RAID - Determine the winner. If the result is a tie, nothing happens. It is impossible to break a tie during a raid (that only happens during attacks). If the defending player wins, all raiders are killed and discarded. If the raiders win, the result depends on the type of card raided:
Example - the LIVERY allows you to play CAVALRY cards. Your Livery is razed. Any Cavalry cards you already have in play may remain, but no more may be added (unless you Build another LIVERY).
1) You may take the player's Gold Reserve and add it to your own.
2) You may annihilate any number of cards that are attached to the Commander card.
3) You may annihilate that player's discard pile.
4) You may take a number of markers equal to the base CV of the Commander card and place them with your razed Establishments. These markers represent the VPs you earned from raiding the Commander card, since it is impossible to raze a Commander.
Immediately after you raze an Establishment or Commander and gain Victory Points, check your VP total. If you have earned 50 or more Victory Points, the game immediately ends and you win! Exception: See YOUR FIRST FEW GAMES, below.
You may discard one card from your hand to your discard pile. This ends your turn. Remember that in DARK EDEN, a player's discards are placed face down. You do not have to reveal which card you discarded. You may not look through your or another player's discard pile!
Some warriors, Establishments and even Equipment are designated as UNIQUE. You may not put a Unique card into play if there is already another copy of that Unique card anywhere in play. If the first Unique card is somehow discarded, another copy of the Unique card may then enter play. The fate on the first copy has no influence on subsequent copies entering play. For example, if a Unique warrior is killed, another copy of that warrior may enter play. That warrior was obviously a hero, and they tend to escape death all the time!
Most Commanders and some Establishments affect cards that are Adjacent to them. This means they affect the cards that touch their top, bottom and side edges. Diagonal cards that touch corners are not considered adjacent.
It is quite possible that during a game one or more of your Establishments will become separated from the larger group. Typically this is a result of an intervening Establishment being razed and discarded.
An Establishment must be able to draw a Supply Line to its Commander card. What this means is that you must be able to move from card to card from the Commander card to each Establishment in the same Turf. This line may not move diagonally between two cards which touch corners - only cards which share an edge may support the Supply Line. If an Establishment loses this Supply Line then you may not gain any of the effects of the card. You also do not gain any of the blue resource icons provided by the card (however, you also don't have to worry about paying for its red icons).
This is true even for groups of separated Establishments. For example, the SECURITY STATION Establishment provides +2 to the CV of all adjacent cards. Now let's say that the SECURITY STATION and another adjacent Establishment are separated from the main Turf. Because it is separated, it will not provide any special abilities, and therefore it will not give the +2 bonus to the adjacent Establishment.
Separated Establishments may be raided and razed by other players as normal, and the warriors in your Borderlands still prevent them from being raided as normal.
If you place another intervening Establishment to reestablish the Supply Line of the separated cards to the Commander, you immediately gain the effects (and responsibilities) of the cards again.
Some warriors are blessed with an innate ability to draw upon the mystical forces of nature and transfer those forces into powerful spells. The holy Brotherhood has a name for this mystical ability: the Art. Some Intrigue cards are designated as ART SPELL.
NOTE: The DARK EDEN basic set does not feature any Art Spells, but we wanted to give you the rules for them now. Art Spells will be found in the expansion sets.
Some warriors are designated as SPELLCASTERS, able to manipulate the magical forces surrounding all of creation. A Spellcaster must be in your Dominion to use an Art Spell. You may not cast Art Spells if there is no Spellcaster in your Dominion.
Art Spells will state on them when and how they may be cast, what they may be cast on, and what the spell's effects are. Some spells may only be cast on the caster (the warrior who actually casts the spell). Others may be cast on any target. This will be always noted on the Art card.
Some Art spells have an Initial Cost. These points are taken from your Gold Reserves when appropriate. For some spells, the more Gold you spend, the more powerful the spell's effects. Unless a limit is indicated on the card, you may spend as much Gold as you have.
The effects of an Art spell usually only last for a short while. Unless noted on the card, a spell never has long-term, continual effects. Once cast, the effect is used up and the Art card is discarded.
DARK EDEN is a tough place, and heresy abounds. Art cards may be played to the benefit of any warrior, Commander or other card, even those of the Dark Legion.
For beginning players, some of the above restrictions can be problematic, especially when everyone is playing with only one Starter Deck each. We recommend that for your first few games you use these suggestions:
While the game will play just fine, be aware that you are missing out on some major strategic elements of the game. Also, you may find that your Balance step takes a bit more time when you are first learning the game. After you have played a few times, and designed a few decks, you will discover that Balancing is a much quicker process.
That's all you need to know to play DARK EDEN. Try out a few games to get the hang of it, and then proceed with the rest of this booklet. What follows are not more rules, but rather a collection of clarifications and other topics that you may want to know about as your knowledge of DARK EDEN increases. Have fun!
The game begins when the first player either performs his or her first action, or plays a play at any time card. Players may not play play at any time cards before the very first player has had a chance to do something.
Drawing cards is an instantaneous event. It may not be interrupted by card play (even though many cards state on them that they may be played at any time). Once you start drawing cards, you must finish drawing. You may not play any cards until after you have drawn all your cards, and neither may your opponents.
During combat two Groups of warriors often battle. For purposes of determining if a warrior's special ability applies during a combat, simply assume that each member of a Group is interacting with each member of the opposing Group. If a warrior has an effect that applies to any involved warrior, it may be used. Many warriors have combat-related effects, and these apply when they are part of a Group. For example, a warrior has an effect that says gains +2 to CV when combating CAVALRY. Let's say this warrior enters combat with a Group of warriors. If any one of those opponents is CAVALRY, the warrior gains +2 to its CV.
Some cards add to or subtract from a card's CV, others multiply or divide it. And even others instruct you to apply these modifiers before or after all others. When these conflict, always apply the modifiers in the following order. This chart probably won't make much sense right now, but it will be much more clear if you need to use it. Chances are you won't need to use it, but we've provided it just in case.
1) Multiply/divide "before all other modifiers are applied."
2) Add/subtract "before all other modifiers are applied."
3) All other multiply/divide modifiers.
4) All other add/subtract modifiers.
5) Add/subtract "after all other modifiers are applied."
6) Multiply/divide "after all other modifiers are applied."
If during a raid the raided player is able to move a warrior into his or her Borderlands with the same Tactic as the raid, then the raid stops. Nothing else occurs. The warrior may not be attacked because the Attack step is over. The raiding player may attempt another raid using a different Tactic, but if raiders were already announced, then they may not participate in another raid this turn.
Example - Mike is raiding Nick's Turf by Land. Nick has no Troopers in his Borderlands, so the raid will go though. However, Nick plays an Intrigue card which allows him to move a Trooper from his Warband into his Borderlands, stopping the raid. Mike can no longer raid Nick's Turf by Land, because there is now a warrior in the Borderlands that will sound the alarm and take away the vital element of surprise. Also, Mike cannot attack the new Trooper this turn, because his Attack step is over! Mike may continue his Raid step by raiding by Sea or by Air, if he wishes (and is able).
One of the joys of any collectable card game is the sense of discovery that comes with repeated playing and increasing your collection. This rulebook does not begin to take every instance into account. In fact, we're not telling you a few things on purpose! Many cards will have designations on them that may seem strange at first, simply because they were not included in this rulebook. These designations will always be printed in ALL-CAPITAL letters (like RITUAL or PROPHET). As you play the game, you will begin to discover what these designations mean, and how they may be used to your advantage. What you will find is that many of the DARK EDEN rules are hidden in the cards themselves, waiting for you to discover them! Also note that a few of these designations will only become clear once expansion sets are released.
The wordings on DARK EDEN cards are carefully thought out to ensure that there is as little confusion as possible. Sometimes a single word will speak volumes! Here are some words to look out for.
Many cards are played on or attached to other cards. Sometimes what they are played on is very specific, like "Attach to an opponent's Establishment." Other times it can be more generic. Two words that are often used are your and any. Your is pretty obvious. If a card may be played on "your warrior" then it may only be played on a warrior card in your Dominion.
Some cards use the word any. When a card may be played on or attached to any of a certain thing, that means any one of that thing in play. So if a card states that you may "Attach to any Cavalry" then you may attach that card to any Cavalry in play. You may attach it to your Cavalry or even an opponent's Cavalry.
When a card may not have or do something, that means it many not "normally" have or do the thing, but it may be "forced" to do that thing through other means. For example, a warrior that "may not attack Brotherhood warriors" may not make a normal attack action against a Brotherhood warrior. But if the warrior was "forced" to attack a Brotherhood warrior through Intrigue card play, that is allowed.
When a card may never have or do something, that means NEVER. In the example above, a warrior who "may never attack Brotherhood warriors" may NEVER do it, and may not be "forced" to do it through Intrigue card play, either.
On a few rare occasions the words never and always may contradict. In all cases, the word never takes precedence over the word always.
Some cards affect attacks and others affect raids (and a few affect both). During attacks, the word combat is often used. When a card refers to combat, it refers to attacks, it does NOT refer to raids. While a raid is obviously combat-related, only cards which specifically state they affect raids have any effect during a raid.
Commander cards are not considered Establishments. If a card only mentions that it affects Establishments, then it will not affect a Commander. Only cards that state they affect Commanders will do so. Of course, if the effect gives a generic target it will affect a Commander (for example, "any adjacent card" would include a Commander).
The concept of "timing" is not new to many players of collectable card games, and for some games it is a major issue full of confusion and name-calling. Not so in DARK EDEN! In DARK EDEN, everything happens immediately and cannot be "interrupted" unless that interruption directly affects the thing going on. If that sounds confusing, well, it can be. In order to make our point, let's discuss how it is done in some other games you may be aware of, but we'll do it in terms of DARK EDEN.
Some games use a system of "interrupts" to stop the play of the game in order to do something. Often this is in reaction to an event, where the other player will stop the play of the game to try to make it impossible for the acting player to perform the event! In effect, this is like playing "backwards". For example, let's say you have a warrior who cannot normally Perform Lutheran Rituals but has THE CALLING card attached to it which makes it a PATRIARCH. Now you want to Perform a Ritual called THE BLESSING which doubles the CVs of your Establishments. Your opponent has the DENIED card in his hand which will discard any attachment in play.
Here are two ways to play this out, followed by explanation. First here is the WRONG way:
You: My Patriarch performs THE BLESSING. The CVs of my Establishments are doubled until the beginning of my next turn.
Opponent: Wait! Before that happens I play DENIED on your warrior's THE CALLING card, discarding it. It isn't a Patriarch anymore, so you can't perform that Ritual.
This is totally incorrect, because in DARK EDEN there is no such thing as "before that happens." Once you announce what you are doing, it happens! The only way your opponent can stop your action is if he plays a card that directly affects what you are doing. What you are doing was Performing a Ritual (and what you are REALLY doing is playing an Intrigue card), and that is what your opponent must concentrate on. For example, he could have played a card that negates any just-played Intrigue card.
If the exact same scene played out again, here is what really happens.
You: My Patriarch performs THE BLESSING. The CVs of my Establishments are doubled until the beginning of my next turn.
Opponent: I play DENIED on your warrior.
You: OK, he isn't a Patriarch anymore, but the Ritual was Performed before his ability went away, because you couldn't counter it.
Opponent: Don't rub it in.
Do you see the difference? Things happen as they are played, and the only way to stop them is to directly affect them. No playing backwards!
Every time a player "does something," either performs an action or plays a card, the player's opponents always have a chance to alter or counter what is going on. Throwing a second card down "before anyone has a chance to respond to the first card" is impossible in DARK EDEN.
The one exception to all this (you were waiting for it, weren't you?) is that during attacks and raids the Modify steps pretty-much take place "instantaneously." This means that effects that take place during the Modify segment of an attack or raid may be countered later in the same segment, and do not have to be "immediately" affected. Usually the last cards played take precedence over the first cards played. This emphasizes the importance of taking turns when playing or activating cards during combat and raids.
In the very rare event that two or more players play a card at the exact same moment in time (or you cannot determine which player played a card first), use your best judgement. If an impartial "decision" must be made, then the current player has precedence, followed by the other players clockwise from the current player.
A terrific way to play DARK EDEN is with two or more teams. Playing a team game works the same way as a free-for-all game, but the strategies are vastly different! In a team game, members of opposing teams should alternate seating, so no player sits next to a teammate. Each team member maintains his or her own Dominion, including Gold Reserves. Teammates may use any Commanders they wish. They are not restricted to Commanders of the same affiliation (although this is a fun variant). The only thing teammates share are Victory Points. Once a team has acquired a total of 75 VPs (or whatever you decide) it has won. Note that a few DARK EDEN cards may only be played during team games!
It is possible, although highly unlikely, that a game may reach a point in which no further actions may be taken that have an effect on winning the game. If this occurs, the game is considered a Stalemate, and ends. The game may only end in a Stalemate if all players agree to end the game. Once this happens, the winner is determined as the player with the most Victory Points at that time. In the even more unlikely event that there is a tie for the most number of VPs, then the game is a draw.
One of the most rewarding aspects of DARK EDEN is deck design. When you design a deck, you develop a strategy and use only those cards that revolve around that strategy. When all the players have designed decks, you put your strategies against one another. If a deck doesn't work the way you wish, you can change it around and try again.
DOOMTROOPER players may notice similar aspects of that game in DARK EDEN, but there are a tremendous amount of differences as well! Here are some major differences between DARK EDEN and DOOMTROOPER that you may be wondering about. For you readers who have not played DOOMTROOPER, what are you waiting for?
Copyright © 1997 Target Games AB. All Rights Reserved. Mutant Chronicles, Dark Eden and all character names and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks of Target Games AB. Mutant Chronicles is a Registered Trademark in the U.S.A.
1) Draw
2) Perform Actions
3) Balance Resources
4) Attack
5) Raid
6) Discard