The following are the basic rules for the ultimate Domtrooper set, the gatlingEngine Edition! The gatlingEngine is a Windows application that lets you play collectible card games (CCGs) over the Internet with players from all over the world. The gatlingEngine is available at CCG Workshop and features many past and present CCGs. In fact, Doomtrooper was the gatlingEngine's first offering, and Doomtrooper players played a pivotall role in fine-tuning the program and the service.
When players play Doomtrooper using the gatlingEngine, all cards and decks exist online, in a type of database. And because everyone has access to all the cards, and as many copies as they need, the confines of printed expansions and collectability and such are no longer in effect. This allowed the creation of a completely updated set of all the cards and the rules into one cohesive package. So that's what happened. Every card was updated to adhere to current standards, and many common effects were recategorized into new designations or keywords. Once the cards were complete (no small task) the rules were reorganized into a complete set incorporating all expansions.
The following rules are designed specifically for the gEngine Edition, and specifically for new players. They are quiote slimmed down from the standard rules, yet still capture the flavor of Doomtrooper. They assume you have never played Doomtrooper and will be using the gEngine cards available online via the gatlingEngine. Once you have the basic game down, pick up the standard rules and start battling!
We have also created several beginner decks that only use the cards discussed in these rules. We can't promise they will win tournamanets, but we can promise they are fun and balanced and a great way to learn the game.
To play, you will also need to set up a free account at CCG Workshop, download and install the latest version of the gatlingEngine, and set up the gEngine Edition of Doomtrooper. These rules do not go into those specifics.
Then came the Great Exodus.
The Earth, her soil fatally stained by the Corporations' years of environmental abuse, inevitably showed humanity the consequences of their indifference. Her riches and resources exhausted; the atmosphere gradually surrendered to the heavy pollution spewed out by the Corporate societies.
New diseases emerged out of Mother Earth's womb. Viruses started to spread like wildfire, some more fatal or dangerous than others. All Corporations issued mandatory virus tests and people contaminated by the most heinous ones where stripped of their corporate affiliation and shipped like cattle in huge transport vessels to enormous underground quarantine bunkers in South America. In the end, South America was completely isolated and its civilization left to its destiny. This was not enough.
The Corporate leaders, working together for the first time in centuries, enacted massive plans to save their people, and their livelihoods. Luna, Mars, Venus, even Mercury were terraformed to accept humanity. Enormous arks were constructed to carry the best and brightest to their new homes. Capitol ventured to the moon; Bauhaus tamed the wild jungles of Venus; Mishima fortified themselves within the soil of Mercury; Imperial, ever unwanted, sent their Conquistadors to every corner of the solar system, only to settle among the floating rocks of the Asteroid Belt. The brightest of humanity was saved.
The vast rest of humanity were left on Earth, plagued by disease, ruin, famine and anarchy. The planet's climate and environment changed rapidly. The ozone layer, frayed and torn, yielded to strange greenhouse effects which twisted the Earth, as well as the beings left to suffer its desolate soil.
Those who freed ourselves from the hell created on Earth discovered a new, more horrible threat. The weak and the poor fell victim to the Corporations, who rule the Solar System. Driven by their greed, the Corporations laid claim to the tenth planet and woke the sleeping beast, may its name be forever despised. Thus did the Dark Legion descend on us, howling for our death and destruction.
Now is the time to conquer our fear and stand up against the tidal wave of the Dark Symmetry.
Welcome to DOOMTROOPER! You are about to enter a distant future in which the hideous masses of the Dark Legion threaten to lay waste to the glory of humankind.
DOOMTROOPER is a card game perhaps unlike any card game you have ever played. Among the multitude of different cards available, you will find mighty heroes and horrible villains, deadly weapons and magical spells, desperate missions and wily schemes. The potential is endless because the possibilities are endless!
The object of DOOMTROOPER is to use your available warriors to do battle against the forces of your opponent. You place warrior cards on the table in your Squad (note in the standard game the Squad is one of three Combat Areas, so you may see that term on your cards. For the basic game, you can assume that your Squad and your Combat Area is the same thing). In order to play warriors and take advantage certain other card effects, you will need to acquire and spend Destiny Points, the "currency" used in DOOMTROOPER (referred to on many cards as D). Warriors earn Promotion Points (referred to on many cards as P) for you by winning battles and through other exciting combinations of card play. When a player reaches a predetermined number of Promotion Points, the game is over.
If you enjoy longer or shorter games, simply adjust the number of Promotion Points needed to win the game. The choice is yours. However, we recommend that you try 25 Promotion Points as the goal for your first few games. Most experienced players play to 40 Promotion Points.
At least two people are needed to play DOOMTROOPER, but the game may be played by any number of players. Each player must have his or her own playing deck consisting of at least 60 cards (with no upper limit). For your first few games, feel free to use one of the special CORPORATE WAR decks specifically designed around these rules and available via the gatlingEngine. For the sake of clarity, these rules are written with the assumption that there are two players: you and one opponent.
In addition to your playing cards, you also need a number of markers to keep track of Promotion Points and Destiny Points, among other things. The gatlingEngine provides several types of markers for these purposes.
Your table space is occupied by your Squad of Doomtroopers, your Draw, Discard, Annihilated and Side Board piles of cards, the Promotion Points you have earned and your accumulated Destiny Points. The diagram below shows these items in the gatlingEngine (your Squad is all the rest of your available space).

You place Doomtroopers in your Squad. Note that the Squad does not necessarily represent a single fighting unit. Instead it represents the pool of Doomtroopers you control. These warriors are not necessarily working together. In "real world" terms, they are fighting for you throughout the solar system.
Draw Pile
You draw cards from your Draw pile at the beginning of each of your turns to replenish your hand.
Discard Pile
Most cards are discarded after their effects are used up or (in the case of warriors and their attachments) they are "killed." They are placed FACE-DOWN in your Discard pile.
Annihilated Pile
A few cards are annihilated after their effects are used. Unlike discarded cards, which have ways to re-enter the game, cards which are annihilated may not return to the game. Cards which are annihilated are placed FACE-DOWN in your Annihilated pile.
Side Board Pile
Some cards allow you to look through your entire collection of cards and bring one or more into the game, even though they did not start the game in your play deck. Because you have every DOOMTROOPER card at your disposal, it is customary to create a small Side Board of cards that represents your "entire collection." This is based on tournament play, to help prevent a player with more cards from dominating the tournament. Your Side Board pile is like another special play deck that you may only access via other card effects.
For the Basic set, you do not need a Side Board. There is a deck on gatlingEngine called "Empty Side Board" which you can use for this effect.
IMPORTANT: You may not look through ANY of your card piles during the game, unless a card allows it.
Destiny Points
The markers in your pool of Destiny Points may be spent to bring warriors into play and for other card effects. Budgeting your Destiny Points is often a key to victory.
Promotion Points
When your warrior kills another in combat, it earns a number of Promotion Points based on the Value of the killed warrior. The Promotion Points your warrior earns are placed in your Promotion Points pool. As soon as you have earned a predetermined number of Promotion Points, you win the game!
In DOOMTROOPER, you take turns playing cards and doing battle with your opponent. During your turn, you may perform up to three actions. Actions represent the maneuvers made by you and your warriors within the game. There are a number of actions you can perform, including bringing your warriors into play, equipping them with weapons and special items and using them to attack your opponents' warriors. Many of the cards provide other ways to use your actions, and even provide more actions to use! Some maneuvers require two or more actions to perform. You and your opponents alternate taking turns and performing actions until one player has earned a predetermined number of Promotion Points.
In all circumstances, if the rules on a card go against the rules in this manual, the rules on the card take precedence. The entire DOOMTROOPER set features twelve different Card Types, but these Basic Rules and the basic decks available on gatlingEngine use only four. Almost all DOOMTROOPER cards have the same basic layout:
1) NAME - The name of the card or the thing it represents.
2) CARD TYPE ICON - Each of the different card types has a unique design to give you a quick reference point. The card types are:
Warrior cards make up the backbone of the DOOMTROOPER game. Most of the action takes place through the warriors in play. Warriors are placed in your Combat Areas and are used to Attack other warriors in play. Warriors are also distinguishable from most other cards because they contain a bit more information. In the notes area of each warrior's card are listed that warrior's four Combat Ratings. |
Equipment cards are placed on warriors to increase their combat abilities or give them special skills. Equipment cards are attached to the warrior they are played on until they are either discarded through card play or the warrior is killed. Some equipment cards are further designated as WEAPON, ARMOR, or VEHICLE. These are more specialized pieces of equipment and have special rules. |
Fortifications represent buildings and structures. They are placed in your Combat Areas and usually increase your warriors' defensive capabilities or give them special abilities. Fortifications remain in play throughout the game, even if you have no warriors in play. |
Special cards include everything that doesn't fit into the above categories. They represent everything from combat modifiers and unique events to fate and your personal influence. A special card states in its notes box when and how it may be played. |
3) AFFILIATION ICON - Every card has an affiliation, which tells you from which major organization the card is associated. Affiliation also tells the "origin" of the card, which may become important during the game. For example, an equipment card with the Bauhaus affiliation can also be called a piece of Bauhaus equipment. The complete DOOMTROOPER set features twelve different affiliations, but the Basic set and and decks only use the five corporate powers and the General affiliation:
Bauhaus is controlled by the four ancient families of Duke Electors. Military service is a treasured tradition, and distinguished ranks of office grace the corridors of the Bauhaus business empire. The Bauhaus military is well known for their high quality equipment and mighty armored units. Bauhaus warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers. |
Capitol is the only corporation that resembles the conventional notion of a business empire. The Capitol management consists of a Board of Directors elected by the corporate shareholder citizens. The straight-shooting Capitol armed forces are the glory boys of the battlefield. Capitol warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers. |
The most recent corporate power to emerge is also the strangest. The Cybertronic organization is primarily comprised of ex-members of other corporations, now implanted with cybermechanical machinery. In an age where electronic gadgetry is looked upon with trepidation, the Cybertronic members are seen by many, especially the Brotherhood, as heretics. Cybertronic warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers. |
The aristocratic Clans of Imperial are headed by Her Imperial Serenity and the Parliament. Imperial is the weakest of the corporate powers, but has the greatest number of special forces and is a vital element to the struggle against the Dark Legion (which is appropriate as it was Imperial that enabled the Dark Legion to enter our reality). Imperial warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers. |
The proud and noble Mishima dynasty fields some of the most disciplined and dedicated warriors in the solar system. Family, loyalty, tradition, and glory are the staples of the Mishimese ideal. Their Shadow Walker assassins are feared by all. Mishima warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers. |
Many cards in the DOOMTROOPER game feature the General affiliation. These cards have no specific tie to one of the above affiliations. |
4) POST-PLAY ICON - After Special cards are played, something must be done with them. Some remain in play, others are discarded, and a few are removed from the game entirely. Each Special card has a small icon to the left of the picture which tells you what to do with the card after you play it (or once the effects of the card are completed). There are three such icons:
The card is permanently attached to the card or thing it is played on. The card is considered an attachment. The attachment can only be broken through card play or if the base card is discarded (in which case all its attachments are discarded as well). |
The card is placed in your discard pile. Note that cards which are discarded on use generally never make it "into play." They simply affect the game during their trip from your hand to your discard pile. Cards which affect other cards "in play" do not typically affect cards with the discard symbol. |
The card is placed in your annihilated pile. It has been removed from the game and may not return. Note that a card that is annihilated has NOT been discarded, it has been annihilated. This is a big difference. For example, a card that "may not be discarded" may be annihilated (and a card that "may not be annihilated" may be discarded). If you play a card with the annihilate symbol on it, and that card's effect is somehow "countered" it is STILL removed from the game, even though the effect did not occur! |
5) SET ICON - This small icon has no effect on the game. It merely denotes in which set or expansion the card was originally printed. It is included here for completeness and to help experienced "Classic" players find and organize cards.
6) CARD TEXT - The special abilities and restrictions of the card are listed here. Note that sometimes a designation will be listed on the card in ALL-CAPITAL letters. The purpose of some of these designations are discussed in this rulebook. Others will become apparent as you play the game.
On Warrior cards, the notes area includes four Combat Ratings. They are:
FIGHT (often abbreviated as F in card texts)
This icon of a fist tells the close combat ability of the warrior. The higher the number, the better the warrior is at fighting. |
This icon of a bullet tells the firearm combat ability of the warrior. The higher the number, the better the warrior is at shooting. |
This icon of a shield tells the defensive ability and toughness of the warrior. The higher the number, the harder it is for an opponent to kill the warrior. |
This icon of a diamond tells the number of Destiny Points that must be spent to bring the warrior into play, and the number of points earned by an opponent that kills the warrior. |
For the Basic game, you and your opponent should use the CORPORTE WAR decks available via gatlingEngine. There are five CORPORATE WAR decks, one for each corporate affiliaiton (CORPORATE WAR BAUHAUS, CORPORATE WAR CAPITOL, etc.). Each player should take a different Corporate affiliation. These decks have been designed especially for beginners work very well with one another.
The gatlingEngine will do much of the setup for you, but not all of it. It is important to remember to shuffle your deck before you start. Then draw seven cards from the top of your draw pile to start your hand. When the game starts you will have five markers in your Destiny Point pool. These are your starting resources.
If a player does not have any warrior in his opening hand of seven cards, he may claim the Cardinals Gift. He must show his hand to the other players and pick seven new cards. The first seven cards are then shuffled back into the playing deck.
A player that does have a warrior in his opening hand may also claim the Cardinals Gift, but in this case the first seven cards are not shuffled back into the playing deck. Instead, they become the first seven cards of the players discard pile.
The Cardinals Gift may only be claimed after opening draw, and may only be claimed once by each player.
During your turn, you follow an order of play consisting of three steps. Some cards may only be played during certain steps (as noted directly on the card). When you're finished, it's your opponent's turn. The three steps are as follows:
1) Draw cards from your draw pile until your hand contains as many cards as your current Hand Limit.
2) Perform up to three actions. The actions that may be performed are:
- Meditate
- Muster Warrior
- Equip
- Build Fortification
- Sabotage (Tactical Action)
- Attack (Tactical Action)
3) Discard a single card if you wish.
Draw cards from your draw pile to fill your hand to your Hand Limit. Your standard Hand Limit is 7 cards, but this can change via card play. This step is mandatory. If you draw the last card from your draw pile, continue playing normally. The game does not end; you simply have no more cards to draw (but see the No Warriors in Play and No Draw Pile rule below).
If both players run out of cards from their draw piles, the game immediately ends, and the player with the higher number of Promotion Points wins the game. In the case of a tie, continue playing until one player has more Promotion Points than the other.
Note that the Draw step is really broken into two phases. The "pre-draw" phase takes place between the time the draw step starts and the time that cards are actually drawn. During this time the current player may play Special cards that are "PLAY DURING YOUR TURN" and all players may play Special cards that are "PLAY AT ANY TME."
Once all players have had a chance to play cards during the pre-draw phase, the current player draws cards. Drawing cards is considered an "instantaneous" event, and no cards may be played by any player while a player is drawing cards. As soon as the player draws his last card, the Actions Step begins.
Special: If it is the first turn of the game, the first player does NOT get a Draw step. Instead, the first player's turn starts with his Actions step.
The concept of "timing" is not new to many players of collectable card games, and for some games it is a major issue full of confusion and name-calling. Not so in DOOMTROOPER! In DOOMTROOPER, everything happens immediately and cannot be altered unless that alteration directly affects the thing going on at that exact moment in the game.
Some games use a system of "interrupts" to stop the play of the game in order to do something. Often this is in reaction to an event, where the other player will stop the play of the game to try to make it impossible for the acting player to perform the event that just occurred! In effect, this is like playing "backwards." In DOOMTROOPER there is no such thing as "before that happens I do this...." Once you announce what you are doing, it happens! The only way your opponent can stop your action is if he plays a card that directly affects what you are doing. Things happen as they are played, and the only way to stop them is to directly affect the card currently affecting the game. No playing backwards!
Every time a player "does something," either perform an action or play a card, the player's opponents always have a chance to alter or counter what is going on. Throwing a second card down "before anyone has a chance to respond to the first card" is impossible in DOOMTROOPER.
It is important to take turns when playing Special cards. The current player always has the opportunity to act first, just like the attacking player always has the opportunity to modify the combat first.
The one exception to this is that all of combat pretty-much takes place instantaneously. This means that effects that take place during the Modify Combat Ratings segment of combat may be countered later in the same segment, and do not have to be "immediately" affected. Usually the last cards played take precedence over the first cards played. In order to regulate this action, it is also important to take turns when playing combat modifiers. The attacker is always allowed to modify combat first, then the defender, then the other players, and then back to the attacker, etc. You will find that taking turns in this fashion greatly reduces timing conflicts.
You have three actions to perform during your turn. Actions may be taken in any order, and you may perform the same action more than once during your turn. There is one exception:
The two Tactical Actions (Sabotage and Attack) are special. You may only perform one Tactical Action per turn and must be the last action you perform. As soon as you perform a Tactical Action with one of your warriors, any unused actions are lost for that turn.
Tactical Actons are referred to on some cards as T-Actions. Other other types of actions are called Standard Actions (or S-Actions). When a card refers to "Actions" without specifying if it is a T-Action or S-Action, it can be either type.
Special: No player may perform any Tactical Actions during his first turn. This includes T-Actions gained by Special cards and other effects.
You do not have to perform all three actions if you do not wish. You may even perform no actions at all. Also, several card effects will give you more actions to use during your turn, and even actions to use during other players' turns! Any unused actions are lost, and do not carry over to your next turn. The actions you may perform are as follows:
You may spend an action meditating. For each meditate action you perform, you may place one marker into your Destiny Point pool. You may perform meditate actions even if you have no warriors in play.
During this action, you may add a warrior to your Squad. To Muster a warrior, simply take the warrior from your hand and place it in your Squad, and then pay the Value of the warrior in Destiny Points to the common marker pile. If you do not have enough Destiny Points, you may not Muster that warrior.
Example: Mike has a Venusian Ranger (Value: 4) in his hand at the start of his turn and would like to put it into play. Mike announces that he is Mustering a warrior as his first action. He takes 4 Destiny Points from his pool and puts them in the common pile, then places the Ranger in his Squad. Mustering the warrior uses up one of his three actions, so Mike has two more actions.
Note: A warrior may attack and be attacked in the same turn in which it is Mustered (except during your first turn).
You may spend an action to attach an Equipment card to one of your warriors in play, subject to the following restrictions:
A warrior may be equipped with any number of Equipment cards, but it may only use one of each copy at a time. You may give warriors multiple copies of the same Equipment card as backups in case something happens to one of them - these backups may be used immediately if needed.
Once you place an Equipment card on a warrior, that card becomes attached to the warrior and may not be removed or moved to another warrior, except via card play.
Some Equipment cards have further designations such as WEAPON or ARMOR. These designations affect the card in special ways:
WEAPONS - The only things that are considered "weapons" are cards that specifically say FIGHT WEAPON, SHOOT WEAPON, FIGHT/SHOOT WEAPON or SPECIAL WEAPON on them. Of course, in "real" terms many other pieces of equipment are obviously weapons, but in game terms it has to say so right on the card. A warrior may only use one WEAPON during combat (it may have several).
ARMOR - A card designated as ARMOR provides a suit of protection to the warrior. Unlike most other Equipment cards, a warrior may only have one piece of ARMOR.
As one action, you may place a Fortification card into your Squad (the card will state where it may be placed). The Fortification will affect all of the warriors in your Squad (some Fortifications only affect individual warriors - this will be stated on the card). You may only have one copy of each Fortification in play at a time (unless the card states otherwise). Other players may also have one copy each of the same Fortification card in play as you.
If a player has no warriors in play that may participate in combat at all (for example, the player has no warriors or just NONCOMBATANTS in play), you may have one of your warriors Sabotage that player as one action. By undermining a player, you increase your power, and therefore a successful sabotage will earn you valuable points.
Your sabotaging warrior must be able to participate in combat (NONCOMBATANTS may not Sabotage).
You may only sabotage each player once per turn (from your Draw step to your next Draw step). Even if you gain more Tactical Actions, you may not Sabotage more than once per turn.
To perform a sabotage, simply announce which of your warriors will perform the sabotage. Unless the player can play a card which will prevent the action, the sabotage will be successful. As a reward, you earn a number of points equal to one-half the modified Value (V) of your sabotaging warrior (rounded up). You may take Promotion Points, Destiny Points, or a combination of both.
You may never perform a sabotage action until all players have taken at least one turn. You may never perform a sabotage action during another player's turn. If you become able to perform T-Actions when it is not your turn, none may ever be sabotage actions.
Chances are you will attack often during a game. Of course, combat is optional, but it is one of your primary methods for gaining Promotion Points.
Because attacking is a Tactical Action, you may normally only perform one attack action per turn, and this action must be the last action you perform. If you attack as your first or second action, you lose any actions you did not use. Also, you may not attack during your first turn of the game.
When you perform an attack action, one of your warriors may attack one of your opponent's warriors. Combat is usually between one attacking warrior (the Attacker) and one defending warrior (the Defender). Various cards may allow additional warriors to join in the battle.
It is possible (through card play) that you may be able to perform more than one attack action during a turn. If this is the case, you may attack with the same warrior more than once, and you may attack the same warrior more than once (this is always optional). The only thing to remember is that each attack action must be conducted completely separately of any other. You must conduct an entire action before going on to the next.
Combat is a very straightforward affair, and it is broken down into a number of simple steps. First, you (as the attacking player) choose an Attacker and a Defender. Then you decide if the combat will be a Fighting combat or a Shooting combat (this is called the Battle Tactic). Next, compare the combatants' attack ratings with their Armor ratings to see how the attack is going. Both players may then play cards to modify the combat ratings of the warriors involved in the combat. Then the final, modified combat ratings are compared.
Any warrior that has been hit is turned sideways to indicate that it is wounded. If a wounded warrior is hit, it is killed and discarded. A dead warrior is worth a number of points equal to the slain warrior's modified Value. These points are awarded to the player whose warrior made the killing blow. They may be converted into Promotion Points or Destiny Points (or a combination of both).
The steps for combat are as follows:
- Announce Attacker and Defender
- Announce Battle Tactics (Fight or Shoot)
- Determine Combat Standing
- Modify Combat Ratings
- Resolve Combat
- Change Warrior Status
- Award Points
1) ANNOUNCE ATTACKER AND DEFENDER. You (as the attacking player) choose one of your warriors in play as the Attacker and pick another warrior in play to attack (this is the Defender). No matter the outcome of the battle, the two warriors are referred to as the Attacker and the Defender throughout the combat. There are a couple of rules to keep in mind when choosing the Attacker and Defender:
Your warriors may not attack your own warriors.
Any warrior designated as a NONCOMBATANT may never attack or be the target of an attack. Even if you play a card effect that lets you change an Attacker or Defender to "any warrior in play" you may not use it on a NONCOMBATANTS. You will have to figure out other ways to get NONCOMBATANTS out of the game.
2) ANNOUNCE BATTLE TACTICS. You must now announce which type of Battle Tactic the Attacker will use. This determines which attack rating and which weapons, equipment and modifiers the Attacker and Defender may use during the combat.
Each warrior has two attack ratings, Fight and Shoot. The Attacker may charge the Defender with fist and sword, which is a close combat (in which case both warriors use their Fight ratings), or it may attack with guns blazing, which is a firearm combat (in which case both warriors use their Shoot ratings).
3) DETERMINE COMBAT STANDING. Look at the rating of your warrior's chosen attack method and compare it to the Armor rating of the opponent. If the attack rating of a warrior is equal to or greater than the Armor rating of its opponent, the opponent will be wounded.
The Defender simultaneously makes an attack of its own. Check to see how that attack is going, too.
Example: Nick is performing an attack action. He announces that Sean Gallagher will Fight Mike's Nepharite of Ilian. Sean has a Fight rating of 10, a Shoot rating of 5, and an Armor rating of 8. The Nepharite has a Fight rating of 8, a Shoot rating of 8, and an Armor rating of 7. Since this is a close combat, only the Fight and Armor ratings are used. Because Sean and the Nepharite are striking at each other at the same time, both warriors compare both ratings. Sean attacks with a Fight rating of 10 against the Nepharite's Armor rating of 7. Because 10 is higher than 7, the Nepharite is well on its way to being wounded. The Nepharite strikes at Gallagher with a Fight rating of 8 against Sean's Armor rating of 8. Since 8 is equal to 8, the Nepharite will also wound Sean.
Be sure to include the effects of equipment cards that each warrior has, but only if they have an effect in the chosen method of combat. A warrior may only use one WEAPON during combat, but may use any number of other equipment cards that apply (but only one of each copy). Only FIGHT WEAPONS may be used in Fight combats, just as SHOOT WEAPONS may only be used in Shoot combats. FIGHT/ SHOOT WEAPONS may be used in either. For instance, a Violator Sword (a FIGHT WEAPON) has no effect in a shooting combat.
A wounded warrior (see below) battles as normal.
Keep in mind that neither warrior has actually been wounded yet. You're just checking to see how the combat is coming along.
4) MODIFY COMBAT RATINGS. Starting with you (the attacking player), players take turns playing cards which have an effect on combat. Such cards have "PLAY DURING COMBAT," or a variation thereof, printed on them. Play as many cards as you like, and then indicate that you're finished. Your opponent then plays as many modifying cards as he wishes, and then indicates that he is finished. Then other players may play cards. You may then play additional cards, and so on, until no player wishes to play any more cards.
A player may play multiple copies of modifier cards on a warrior during this step, and their effects are cumulative when applicable.
Some cards allow players to change the Attacker or Defender involved in a combat. When this occurs, the player(s) in control of the new Attacker or Defender may play cards to modify the new warriors' ratings normally
Sometimes various special cards or other effects may cause combat ratings to drop to zero or lower. Negative numbers still count. For example, a warrior with a modified Fight rating of -4 will still wound an opponent with a modified Armor of -4 or less. However, a warrior's Value stat (V) may never be lower than 0. Modified V stats of less than 0 are considered to be 0.
5) RESOLVE COMBAT. Once all modifiers are taken into account, compare the warriors' combat values one last time and determine if either or both warriors are wounded. If the modified attack rating against a warrior is equal to or greater than the warrior's modified Armor rating, that warrior is wounded. If the modified attack rating is lower than the Armor rating, the warrior resists all of the potential damage. A warrior is either wounded by an attack or not affected at all. There is no middle ground, and damage does not "carry over" from combat to combat.
6) CHANGE WARRIOR STATUS. Warriors wounded in the battle are turned 90 degrees sideways to indicate that they are wounded. A wounded warrior is completely unaffected by the wound. Its combat ratings are not affected, nor are any of its abilities or equipment. The wounded warrior attacks and defends as normal. However, if a wounded warrior is wounded again, it is killed.
7) AWARD POINTS. If a warrior's opponent is killed, the warrior's controlling player is awarded a number of points equal to the modified Value of the slain opponent (even if the player's warrior was slain, too). If both warriors are killed, both players earn points. The points may be taken as Promotion Points or placed in your pool as Destiny Points, or they may be split between the two types as you like.
You may discard one card from your hand to your discard pile (no matter how many cards are in your hand). This ends your turn. Remember that a player's discarded and annihilated cards are placed face down, and no player may look through their own or others' discard piles! You do not have to reveal which card you discarded.
Like the Draw step, the Discard step is broken into two phases. The "pre-discard" phase takes place between the time the Actions step ends and the time that a card is actually discarded. During this time the current player may play Special cards that are "PLAY DURING YOUR TURN" and all players may play Special cards that are "PLAY AT ANY TME."
Once all players have had a chance to play cards during the pre-discard phase, the current player may discard a card, or announce that no card will be discarded. Discarding a card is considered an "instantaneous" event, and no cards may be played by any player while a player is discarding. As soon as the player discards, the player's turn ends, and the next player's Draw step begins.
If at the beginning of any of your turns your Draw pile is empty and you have no warriors in play that may participate in combat at all (for example, the player has no warriors or just NONCOMBATANTS in play), you have three complete turns to Muster a warrior or you lose the game. In other words, you have your current turn plus two more to get a warrior into play. If you put a warrior into play that may participate in combat at any point during these three turns, you have fulfilled this requirement.
Some cards contain designations in their initial card texts. These keywords are usually in ALL CAPITAL letters, and provide the card with added identity or capability. Some will simply list the designation, others will state CONSIDERED A [DESIGNATION] on them. Several of these designations are defined here. Others are found only on the cards and you will have to discover for yourself their overall effects and interactions.
An important thing to remember is that each card's title is also a designation. For example, the Infantry warrior card is assumed to have the INFANTRY designation. Also, whenever a warrior is considered a different kind of warrior, it is in name only. Special abilities and such do not transfer over. For example, Mitch Hunter has the INFANTRY designation. This means that Mitch is affected by cards that affect INFANTRY warriors, but it does not mean that Mitch Hunter gains any special abilities listed on the actual Infantry card. Those abilities do not magically "transfer" to the other card! In other words, a card only has the abilities written on its card, plus any abilities specifically provided by other cards.
Several designations are described above (such as NONCOMBATANT and SHOOT WEAPON). Here is a listing of some more common designations, and their effects in the game. Note that some designations listed in the Standard rules are not described in these Basic rules, and have no effect on the Basic game.
Some warriors state that they have FIRST STRIKE (or STRIKE FIRST) during some combats. Warriors able to STRIKE FIRST always attack their opponent first in combat (even if they are the Defender). Only if the opponent survives may it strike back (i.e. if it is killed it may not strike back, but it may if it is unharmed or wounded).
Some warriors with FIRST STRIKE specifically state that the combat ends if successful with their attacks. In this case, the opponent may not strike back even if it survives.
If two warriors with the FIRST STRIKE ability combat each other, their abilities negate one another and the combat is resolved as normal. Note, however, that some warriors are able to STRIKE FIRST even if their opponent also has the ability. This will all be stated on the warrior cards.
Some warriors are designated as PERSONALITY. Only one of each PERSONALITY may be in play at any one time. For example, if Sean Gallagher is anywhere in play, no other Sean Gallagher cards may be put into play.
If a PERSONALITY is killed or discarded, it may be brought back into play later in the game as normal (being great heroes, PERSONALITY have a knack for staying alive). In fact, the same warrior may be killed a number of times during a game and still come back for more.
Warrior cards designated as SERGEANTS are typically able to be assigned to other warriors in play. Here are some clarifications to this ability:
Only warriors with base Values LOWER THAN the base Value of the SERGEANT may be assigned to the SERGEANT. This means that the only numbers you compare are the Values printed on the warrior cards. Do NOT take V modifiers into account, even if the modified V of the assigned warrior is equal to or higher than its SERGEANT. The reason is that Value is not equivalent to rank, it is a measure of the individuals worth on the battlefield. As everyone knows, the lowliest private may be more worthwhile than any high-ranking goon in the thick of battle! This leads to a few assumptions:
- SERGEANTS may not be assigned to other SERGEANTS.
- A lowly SEA LION with a ton of V enhancers may be assigned to a SERGEANTS.
- You dont have to worry if some warriors have higher or lower modified Vs than others.
A warrior card group (for example, the SEA LIONS, the CLANSMEN, the FREE MARINES, the BAUHAUS BLITZERS, etc.) may only have one SERGEANT assigned to it.
If a warrior groups SERGEANT is killed, they may have another SERGEANTS assigned to it.
If the last of the assigned warrior group is killed, the SERGEANT may be re-assigned to a different warrior group.
Once a SERGEANT is assigned to a warrior group, the assignment is permanent while both the group members and the SERGEANT are in play.
You do NOT have to assign the SERGEANT to a warrior group when he is played. You may assign the SERGEANT at any time (even during combat). Once assigned, the SERGEANT is stuck with that group, and they are stuck with him!
If the SERGEANT loses its Corporate affiliation, the assignment is broken. Likewise, if the last of the assigned warriors loses its affiliation, the assignment is broken. Remember that many times when a Corporate warrior is turned into a HERETIC, he still keeps his Corporate affiliation (he becomes a spy!).
Warrior cards designated as SLAYER automatically kill any warrior they wound in combat.