Well put these questions in conjunction with the order their topics are found in the rulebook. After that, well talk about more generic rules like TIMING.
Here is a list of jump points to make your searching easier:
The Object
The Table Layout
Dark Symmetry
Add Warrior
Seek Cover
Add Warrior in Cover
Bestow Dark Symmetry Gift
Announce Attacker and Defender
Modify Combat Ratings
Award Points
OTHER TOPICS (all on Page 2):
Casting Art Spells
Doomtrooper Etiquette
Corporate Leaders and the Three Kinds of Attacks
Breaking Into Attacks
Do I have to be a member of The Veil?
Not at all! We introduced the concept of The Veil to draw players further into the game. Veil members are dedicated to one thing - personal power. This is a way for you to command both Doomtroopers and Dark Legionnaires. However, you can change your role in the game to whatever you want; nothing is set in stone. For instance, if you have an Imperial-only deck, you could imagine yourself to be the Imperial Serenity herself. If you have a ton of FOLLOWERS OF ALGEROTH, why not be Algeroth himself? Do whatever you want, thats what makes the game fun and exciting!
Do I have to have both a Squad and a Kohort?
Well, yes and no. While you are always allowed to just put Dark Legion warriors in your Kohort (or just Doomtroopers in your Squad), you still possess both a Squad and a Kohort, even if there are no warriors in them. That way, even though there are no warriors there, your Squad or Kohort may still be affected during the game.
Does a warrior have to have a WEAPON before he can use his F or S, or do they automatically have something to start with?
All warriors are assumed to have some form of weaponry or ability which allow both types of combat right from the get-go (a few cards are different, but they will say when). Equipment cards simply provide "better" weapons and bonuses.
May I give a warrior multiple missions?
Yes and no. Players and warriors may have any number of different missions assigned to them. However, you may not assign multiples of the same mission to the same player or warrior. Once a mission is fulfilled, you may them assign another of the same mission to the player or warrior.
Do I have to fulfill a mission?
Not at all. Some missions (like those which allow a corporate member to attack members of its own corporation) have a strong-enough advantage while they are assigned that you may not wish to fulfill them. There is no time limited to fulfilling a mission. However, if a player or warrior fulfills a mission that is assigned to them, that mission MUST be fulfilled, you cant keep the mission in play and disregard the original fulfillment.
Are the awards given for completed missions added to the normal points earned, or is the award all I get?
It depends. Usually, you only get the points listed on the mission card (for instance earn twice the normal V). However, a few missions state that you earn X number of additional points, which are added to the normal points earnings.
What are considered WEAPONS?
The only things that are considered weapons are card that say WEAPON on them in some form,and in all-capital letters. Usually this means just FIGHT WEAPONS, SHOOT WEAPONS, FIGHT/SHOOT WEAPONS and SPECIAL WEAPONS. Of course, in real terms most Vehicles and other things like the PERSONAL ANTI PERSONNEL MINES are obviously weapons, but in GAME terms it has to say so right on the card.
Do Equipment cards such as the TELESCOPIC SIGHT have to be placed on a warriors weapon or can I place it on the warrior to add to his S rating?
A few Equipment cards say something like ATTACH TO SHOOT WEAPON on them, which means that these equipment cards give bonuses to OTHER equipment cards. However, most equipment cards are used directly by the warriors. Those that ATTACH TO something may only be played on the item mentioned on the card.
Can I give my warriors lots of Armor and Weapons?
Yes and no. It is a matter of what you may HAVE and what you may USE. While you can give a warrior any number of equipment cards, you can only USE so many. For instance, you may only USE one FIGHT WEAPON and one SHOOT WEAPON (or one FIGHT/SHOOT WEAPON). You may give warriors multiples of the same weapon, as backups in case something happens to one of them. So even though you may only USE one at a time, you may HAVE as many weapons and most equipment as you want. This is different with ARMOR. You may only HAVE one ARMOR. You may only HAVE other cards as well, like VEHICLES. Look for the distinction.
My PUNISHER BLADE is hit with a MALFUNCTION during combat. I have another PUNISHER BLADE as a backup. Can I use it during this combat?
Yes. You go into combat with all your equipment ready. However, only one of each may be used (and only one WEAPON may be used at all). You must signify which one. If a weapon is discarded, you may then fall back on another one if you have one that will work in the combat.
Are fortification effects cumulative?
Yes and no. A warrior may not benefit from multiples of the same fortification, but may gain the bonuses from different applicable fortifications. For instance, your Capitol warrior with SPOKE IN THE COG could gain +2 to A from SAN DORADO, +2 from HEIMBURG, +2 from a FOXHOLE and +1 from a SPIKED BARRICADE. He could not, however, gain the effects of two SPIKED BARRICADES.
Does it cost actions to play (cast) Art cards?
Only if it says so on the card.
Can you clarify the different DARK SYMMETRY cards?
This has also caused a bit of confusion. All Dark Symmetry cards are considered gifts. These gifts are bestowed on good Dark Legion toadies for exemplary service to the Great Darkness. In Doomtrooper, there are two levels of gift. General DARK SYMMETRY GIFTS are less-powerful gifts that may be bestowed on any Dark Legion warrior. GIFTS OF APOSTLES (GIFT OF ALGEROTH, GIFT OF DEMNOGONIS, etc.) may only be bestowed on Followers of the Apostle mentioned (FOLLOWER OF ALGEROTH, FOLLOWER OF DEMNOGONIS, etc.). Some warriors are immune to DARK SYMMETRY GIFTS (which means just the less-powerful ones), and others are immune to DARK SYMMETRY CARDS (which is every single Dark Symmetry card). Be sure to notice the difference!
Does my Dark Legion warrior have to use a Dark Symmetry ability?
No. You always have the option to use the ability.
Does it cost actions to play Special cards?
Only if it says so on the card.
May I play a card that has no direct effect on play just to get rid of it? For instance, can I play ESSENCE OF VIRTUE if there are no FOLLOWERS OF ALGEROTH in play, or BOTCHED ORDERS if there are no Missions in play?
No. You may not burn cards in this way. That is why we added the rule that you may discard a card at the end of your turn.
If a warrior has a card attached to it that prevents it from taking actions (INFERIOR TECHNOLOGY, DON'T CALL AGAIN) does this mean that Equipment cannot be given to the warrior? We wondering what is exactly considered a warrior action (attacking, going into cover) and what is a player action taken on behalf of his/her warriors.
Good question. The warrior may not enter or exit cover, attack, be bestowed with Dark Symmetry, be given Equipment or Relics, be assigned a Mission, or be given Special cards that require actions to play. Basically, anything that involves the warrior is off-limits.
Can you bring more than one Warrior into play, using up your actions?
Absolutely. The only action you can't perform more than once is Attack.
When a warrior goes into cover, do the cards played on it get flipped over with it?
Yes. All cards that belong to the warrior go into cover with the warrior, and must be remembered by your opponents!
Can a Brotherhood warrior cast spells while in cover?
Yes. Often that is the best place for them.
How do you handle if someone brings a personality into play in cover, and the next player brings the same personality into play in the open?
In this instance, if you add a personality in cover, and the opponent does not know what it is, and then that opponent puts the same personality into play, then you must announce that you already have the personality in play, and show the card (and pay the D cost). Your personality is still in cover, your opponents personality is PUT BACK INTO HIS OR HER HAND, and all D spent to Add the warrior is returned to the player. Treat the situation as if the Add Warrior action never took place, and the opponent gets the action back as well. In the instance when the same personality is added IN COVER by two or more players, the first one to show its face is the real one, and the other personalities are put back in their owners hands (since no D was spent, none is given back, but the players do lose the actions they spent adding the warrior).
What happens if the attacking trooper cannot legally attack the trooper in cover? Ex: a Brotherhood warrior attacks another Brotherhood warrior in cover. Is the attacking players action wasted? Does the attacking player get to see who is in cover? Do you have to pay the D if the warrior was added in cover?
If the combat turns out to be illegal once the warrior in cover is flipped (he must still be flipped), any Destiny Points are paid (if necessary) and the combat ends. The attack action is still used up (the price of finding out who the warrior is).
ILIAN and VALPURGIUS are both allowed to bestow any Dark Symmetry card on any warrior. May they Bestow the four Dark Symmetry cards that may only be given to Heretics onto non-Heretics?
No. The abilities of ILIAN and VALPURGIUS are GENERAL effects, but the rules on the BARBAROUS POWER, MONSTROUS POWER, UNHOLY POWER, and UNGODLY POWER cards are SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS that say they may only be given to Heretics. These specific restrictions always take precedence over general abilities. Also see COMBAT COORDINATOR, below.
When you say that no attacks may be made on the first turn, does that mean the first players turn, or everyones first turn?
It means that one complete circuit of turns must occur before anyone may attack. All players must take their first turn. When the first player has his or her second turn, he or she may start attacking.
Can I make a warrior attack itself?
No. Never. You can sacrifice warriors and kill them off all you want, but you may never assign the same warrior as both Attacker and Defender in a combat.
There are many ways (through card play) to attack twice during my turn. Can the same warrior attack more than once?
Yes. If you are able to attack more than once during your turn, the same warrior may attack multiple times - as long as it survives, it can keep going!
And may the same opponent be attacked more than once?
You bet. As long as the warrior is alive, its a target! Remember that each attack is conducted separately.
If I get to attack multiple times during a turn, can I have more than one Doomtrooper attack the same guy?
Yes, but not all at once. Each attack action is taken separately. You may not pool together warriors unless you can get reinforcements into the combat (through card play).
What happens when there is a stand off? For instance, I have an Imperial warrior and a Brotherhood warrior in play, and my opponent has a Mishima warrior in play. He kills my Imperial guy, and now I only have a Brotherhood warrior in play. Since the Brother cant attack the Mishima warrior, can I then attack the player?
Nope, sorry! You may only attack a player when that player as NO warriors in play (who are able to be in combat). Youll just have to wait and augment that Brother until you can get more warriors into play. Incidentally - the warrior is not really attacking the player. It is simply using its resources to lessen his or her potential, and increase yours.
Okay, Art can't be used to benefit a Dark Legion warrior. However, if my opponent is attacking one of my Dark Legion warriors, could one of my Brotherhood warriors cast something like LESSER HYPNOSIS to move the attack away from the Dark Legion warrior, since that affects the general combat?
Absolutely not - mostly. You are still effectively helping the Dark Legion warrior if you take the heat off of it and onto a Doomtrooper. However, you may change the target to another Dark Legion warrior! Art spells may never be cast to benefit the Dark Legion (unless the Brother is now a Heretic).
Does a TAKE AIM card last for the rest of the game when you play it, or just for that combat round? It doesn't say to discard after use, but I can't believe that the card should stay in play. My friend disagrees, and says that since it doesn't say to discard, it stays. Who's right?
You are right. TAKE AIM and other cards that you PLAY DURING COMBAT are discarded after the combat is over, unless it says otherwise.
At what point do combat modifiers take effect?
At step 5: RESOLVE COMBAT. No matter what cards are played, they all take effect after they are all played. Timing rules are built in (since players take turns modifying the combat). However, questions can come up with cards that are already there. Take a look at the MOTHER OF ALL COMBAT BREAKDOWNS, below.
But what about cards that double my warriors ratings, when does the doubling take place? For instance, I have a Brotherhood warrior with a handgun giving +2 to S, who then casts IMPROVE SELF. Since this card doubles the warriors S, does my warrior get his +2 from the handgun and THEN that total is doubled, or do I double the warriors natural ratings and THEN add the +2?
Great question. When modifying a warrior (or anything else for that matter) ALWAYS multiply BEFORE you add. If that means that you have to recalculate the total modified score a couple of times after each new card is played, then that is what you must do. HOWEVER - you should always first include cards which permanently affect a warriors natural ratings (like DEMOTED) before anything else. Hope that makes sense!
If I send a warrior out to his doom, and intentionally kill it to kill an opponent, do I get the points? For instance, I give a wounded warrior the PERSONAL ANTI PERSONNEL MINES and send him against ALAKHAI to wound this beast. Since I am essentially killing my own warrior, shouldnt I get the points for his death?
Nope, sorry. Anytime a warrior is killed in combat, the opponent gets the points. There are many instances in the game where you can send out sacrifices to wound or kill bigger opponents. That warrior still died in the combat, so the points go the opponent. Remember, war is hell; you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette!
OK, I cast a spell during combat, and spent a ton of D to bump my Brothers A so he wont die. But my opponent then played a POWERFUL BLOW, and now my Brother is in trouble. Can I put more D into the spell?
Yes you may. Even though all Art spells are one-shots, the Modify Combat step can be thought of as a continuous action/reaction phase, with each warrior sizing up its opponents intentions and taking similar measures. The Art spell is cast during combat, and is still in effect throughout the combat, and may be modified. Once the combat is over, however, the spell is spent and cannot be altered.
What happens when a Brotherhood warrior is tainted by the Dark Legion? Can it cast Art spells?
If a Brother is turned to the Dark Legion and becomes a Heretic it may still cast Art spells, unless the card that turned it says otherwise. The ability to cast the Art is something learned, not given. However, because the Brother is now in with the Great Darkness, it may only cast spells to benefit the Dark Legion, and not the Doomtroopers! The basic thing to remember is, if the Brotherhood is pure of heart, it may only cast spells on Doomtroopers. If it is tainted and is considered both a Doomtrooper and a Dark Legion Heretic, then it may cast spells on all warriors. If it has been turned into a full-blown Heretic and no longer has Doomtrooper affiliation, it may only cast spells for the Dark Legion.
The concept of timing is not new to many players of collectable card games, and for some games it is a major issue full of confusion and name-calling. Not so in DOOMTROOPER! In DOOMTROOPER, everything happens immediately and cannot be interrupted UNLESS that interruption DIRECTLY AFFECTS the thing going on. If that sounds confusing, well, it can be. In order to make our point, lets discuss how it is done in some other games you may be aware of, but well do it in terms of DOOMTROOPER.
Some games use a system of interrupts to stop the play of the game in order to do something. Often this is in reaction to an event, where the other player will stop the play of the game to try to make it impossible for the acting player to perform the event that just occurred! In effect, this is like playing backwards. For example, lets say you have a Warrior who cannot normally cast Art spells but has a card attached to it that makes it a Spellcaster (lets call it ART EMPATHY). Now you want to cast a spell on your opponent that causes his crops to wither and die; really straining his Destiny Points (lets call it WITHERED CROPS). Your opponent has a card in his hand that will discard any attachment in play (lets call it LOST POTENTIAL).
Here are two ways to play this out, followed by explanation. First here is the WRONG way:
You: My Spellcaster casts WITHERED CROPS. You lose 15 D.
Opponent: Wait! Before that happens I play LOST POTENTIAL on your Warrior. Its ART EMPATHY is discarded, and it isnt a Spellcaster anymore, so you cant cast that spell.
This is totally incorrect, because in DOOMTROOPER there is no such thing as before that happens. Once you announce what you are doing, it HAPPENS. Bang! The only way your opponent can stop your action is if he plays a card that DIRECTLY affects WHAT YOU ARE DOING. What you were doing was casting a spell, and that is what your opponent must concentrate on. For example, he could have played a card that negates any just-cast spell (like FIZZLE).
If the exact same scene played out again, here is what REALLY happens.
You: My Spellcaster casts WITHERED CROPS. You lose 15 D.
Opponent: I play LOST POTENTIAL on your Warrior.
You: OK, he isnt a Spellcaster anymore, but the spell went off before his ability went away, because you couldnt counter it.
Opponent: Don't rub it in.
Do you see the difference? Things happen AS THEY ARE PLAYED, and the only way to stop them is to DIRECTLY affect them. No playing backwards!
The one exception to this (you were waiting for it, werent you?) is that all of combat pretty-much takes place instantaneously. This means that effects that take place during the Modify Combat Ratings segment of combat may be countered later in the same segment, and do not have to be immediately affected. USUALLY the last cards played take precedence over the first cards played. Take a look at the MOTHER OF ALL COMBAT BREAKDOWNS for more on this.
What this ultimately means is that sometimes bad things happen and you cant do anything about it. Life is tough, but not as tough as DOOMTROOPER!
There are few "timing" questions with DOOMTROOPER, since most effects occur immediately after they are played - but here are a few examples of questions to help out.
I have a question about timing. On my opponent's turn he played a GRAPESHOT GUARDIAN on his LANE CHUNG so I then MALFUNCTIONED it. He quickly played a STRATEGIC RESTRUCTURING and it said he could bring a card back to his hand - he wanted to bring the GUARDIAN back. Whose effect went first?
Your's does. Your opponent cannot counter your MALFUNCTION card with the STRATEGIC RESTRUCTURING because it is too late - the card has already MALFUNCTIONED, and is in the discard pile. The only way your opponent would be able to counter your MALFUNCTION is with a card that DIRECTLY COUNTERS the MALFUNCTION card - like a MISCOMMUNICATION. There is no such thing as a "retroactive" course of action once an effect occurs - unless of course you can prevent the effect DIRECTLY. Make sense?
If a warrior attacks one of my warriors in a Fight combat, and he casts PACIFISM, but I lay down a CHASM, would he be still able to cast PACIFISM?
It depends on the order of play. Remember that Attackers always get the first opportunity to modify the combat, and then you take turns. If he cast PACIFISM, the spell has been cast, and it's effects occur (and therefore the combat is over). If you played CHASM before the spell was cast, the combat breaks up and is over. There is no "timing" here - it's the first one down that counts. But remember you have to take turns! Which leads us to...
Every time a player does something, either perform an action or play a card, the players opponents ALWAYS have a chance to alter or counter what is going on. Throwing a second card down before anyone has a chance to respond to the first card is impossible in Doomtrooper.
It is important to TAKE TURNS when playing Special cards. The current player always has the opportunity to act first, just like the attacking player always has the opportunity to modify the combat first.
OK, heres a big one. In the INQUISITION FAQ, there was a certain question about using INSPIRED with SMELL OF WAR during another players turn to attack during that players turn. At the time, we simply said that this was not allowed and left it at that. Now that we have added the CORPORATE LEADERS into the mix, its time to talk about WHY that decision was the way it was.
The INSPIRED card specifically provides you with three NON-ATTACK actions. Now we have cards that convert non-attack actions into attack actions. What does this all mean?
Welcome to another hidden aspect of DOOMTROOPER - the three types of actions. Up until now, this was never an issue. The CORPORATE LEADERS have changed all that!
In reality, there are THREE different kinds of action: The ATTACK ACTION, the NON-ATTACK ACTION, and the UNDEFINED ACTION. Whenever you are provided with actions, you are provided with one of these three types of action. At the beginning of your turn, you are given three Undefined Actions. When you decide what to do with these actions, you are giving them a definition! For example, when you perform an ADD WARRIOR action, you are taking one of your Undefined Actions and defining it as a Non-Attack Action. The same thing goes with all the other standard actions except ATTACK. Following the standard rules, you are allowed to convert ONE of your Undefined Actions into an Attack Action.
Most cards that provide actions will tell you what kind of actions you have been given. If there is no designation, you can assume that it provides you with Undefined Actions. For example, the INSPIRED card gives you three non-attack actions, while BLOOD LUST gives you an attack action. The BOOK OF LAW, however, does not have such a designation, so it gives you an Undefined action.
Another thing to keep in mind is that once an action has been defined, it may not be changed! So, the reason that you could not play INSPIRED during an opponents turn and then play SMELL OF WAR to make three attacks is because INSPIRED gives you actions that are already defined as NON-ATTACK actions. You may not attack with a non-attack action!
Enter the CORPORATE LEADERS. They let you break the rule that says you may not redefine your actions. They will let you turn NON-ATTACK actions into ATTACK actions. So if you have a CORPORATE LEADER in play, you MAY play INSPIRED during an opponents turn and attack three times, and you dont even need the SMELL OF WAR!
An important thing to remember is that you do not have to announce what you will do before you perform your actions. For example, with the INSPIRED/CORPORATE LEADER trick, you could play INSPIRED, then make an attack, see what happens, and then decide what to do with your next action. You do not have to announce what you will do with all three actions before you do anything. This is exactly like normal play, but I just thought you would like that clarification.
Look for these designations!
Now that we have allowed you to make attacks during another players turn in the manner given above, its time to confirm what you are all wondering: yes, you may break into a combat with these attacks!! Proceed with the attacks as normal, and if the original combatants are still alive, continue with their combat after its all over. If either has been discarded, the combat ends.
Ill give an example. I have a CORPORATE LEADER in Squad and an INSPIRED in my hand. You attack my SEA LION with a NECROMUTANT. Once we get to the Combat Modification portion of the combat, I play my INSPIRED and decide to convert them all to Attack actions! First, I attack your attacking NECROMUTANT with my MORTIFICATOR (yes, you may do this). Lets say hes toast. Then Ill attack your only other warrior (lets say its an UNDEAD LEGIONNAIRE) with my MORTIFICATOR. Lets say that both are killed in the exchange. One action left. Since you have no more warriors in play, I decide to attack YOU with my defending SEA LION (yes, even if his attacking NECROMUTANT was still alive he could breaks from the combat to make an attack - remember, its an abstract game!). The three INSPIRED actions are over. Now we return to the original battle. My SEA LION no longer has an attacker, so the combat ends.
Once last thing. If you are defending form a Warzone and are attacked in the middle of your combat, you MAY defend from a different Warzone and then return to the original Warzone after that combat is over. Each combat follows the normal procedure!