(Updated 9/3/2002)
The following are the complete rules for the never-released Doomtrooper 2nd Edition basic set.
It all began in the darkness of the Void. We freed ourselves from the hell we had created on Earth, but freedom had a price. The weak and the poor fell victim to the corporations, who rule the Solar System. Driven by their greed, the corporations laid claim to the tenth planet and woke the sleeping beast, may its name be forever despised. Thus did the Dark Legion descend on us, howling for our death and destruction. Now is the time to conquer our fear and stand up against the tidal wave of the Dark Symmetry.
Welcome to DOOMTROOPER! You are about to enter a distant future in which the hideous masses of the Dark Legion threaten to lay waste to the glory of humankind.
DOOMTROOPER is a card game perhaps unlike any card game you have ever played. Among the multitude of different cards available, you will find mighty heroes and horrible villains, deadly weapons and magical spells, desperate missions and wily schemes. The potential is endless because the possibilities are endless!
The actual rules of the game take up less than half of this rulebook. These first few pages explain the game concepts, the various types of cards and their features, and getting ready to play. After that, the actual rules begin, which are very easy to read and understand. Then we provide a section called NOTES FROM THE MASTERS. This section covers a few game topics that you probably won't need to know about right away, such as timing, deck building, expanded rules and questions you may have after playing a few times. Finally, the rulebook concludes with DOOMTROOPER EXPANSION RULES, in which we provide all rules for the terrific new card types found in the expansion sets.
The object of DOOMTROOPER is to use your available warriors to do battle against the forces of your opponent. You place warrior cards on the table to form your Squad (of Doomtrooper warriors) and/or your Kohort (of Dark Legion warriors). In order to play warriors and perform certain other card effects, you will need to acquire and spend Destiny Points, the "currency" used in DOOMTROOPER (referred to on many cards as D). Warriors earn Promotion Points (referred to on many cards as P) for you by winning battles and through other exciting combinations of card play. When either player reaches a predetermined number of Promotion Points, the game is over.
If you enjoy longer or shorter games, simply adjust the number of Promotion Points needed to win the game. The choice is yours. However, we recommend that you try 25 Promotion Points as the goal for your first few games. Most experienced players play to 40 Promotion Points.
At least two people are needed to play DOOMTROOPER, but the game may be played by any number of players. Each player must have his or her own playing deck consisting of at least 60 cards (with no upper limit). For your first few games, feel free to use the cards that came in your Starter Set. For the sake of clarity, these rules are written with the assumption that there are two players: you and one opponent.
In addition to your playing cards, you also need a number of markers to keep track of Promotion Points and Destiny Points, among other things. Coins, beads or gaming stones are perfect.
Your table space is occupied by your Squad of Doomtroopers, your Kohort of Dark Legion warriors, your Draw, Discard and Annihilated piles of cards, the Promotion Points you have earned and your accumulated Destiny Points. The diagram below shows your side of the table.
You are allowed to put both Doomtroopers and Dark Legion warriors into play. However, this is not a requirement. You may choose to play only Doomtroopers, or to field a force comprised of just Dark Legion warriors. An important consideration is that you always have both a Squad and a Kohort, even if there are no warriors in them. That way your Squad or Kohort may still be affected during the game.

1) Your Squad - You place Doomtroopers in your Squad. Any warrior that does not have the Dark Legion affiliation is considered a Doomtrooper. Note that the Squad does not necessarily represent a single fighting unit. Instead it represents the pool of Doomtroopers you control. These warriors are not necessarily working together. In "real world" terms, they are fighting for you throughout the solar system.
2) Your Kohort - You place Dark Legion warriors in your Kohort. Like the warriors in your Squad, the warriors in your Kohort represent your Dark Legion forces spread throughout the Solar System, and not necessarily a single fighting unit.
3) Draw Pile - You draw cards from your Draw pile at the beginning of each of your turns to replenish your hand.
4) Discard Pile - Most cards are discarded after their effects are used up or (in the case of warriors and their attachments) they are "killed." They are placed FACE-DOWN in your Discard pile. IMPORTANT: You may not look through your Discard pile during the game, unless a card allows it.
5) Annihilated Pile - A few cards are annihilated after their effects are used. Unlike discarded cards, which have ways to re-enter the game, cards which are annihilated may not return to the game. Cards which are annihilated are placed FACE-DOWN in your Annihilated pile. IMPORTANT: You may not look through your Annihilated pile during the game, unless a card allows it.
6) Destiny Points - The markers in your pool of Destiny Points may be spent to bring warriors into play and for other card effects. Budgeting your Destiny Points is often a key to victory.
7) Promotion Points - When your warrior kills another in combat, it earns a number of Promotion Points based on the Value of the killed warrior. The Promotion Points your warrior earns are placed in your Promotion Points pool. As soon as you have earned a predetermined number of Promotion Points, you win the game!
In DOOMTROOPER, you take turns playing cards and doing battle with your opponent. During your turn, you may perform up to three actions. Actions represent the maneuvers made by you and your warriors within the game. There are a number of actions you can perform, including bringing your warriors into play, equipping them with weapons and special items and using them to attack your opponents' warriors. Many of the cards provide other ways to use your actions. Some maneuvers require two or more actions to perform. You and your opponents alternate taking turns and performing actions until one player has earned a predetermined number of Promotion Points (we recommend 25 for your first few games, and 40 once you have gained more experience and have designed a deck - see DESIGNING A DECK for more information).
In all circumstances, if the rules on a card go against the rules in this manual, the rules on the card take precedence. The DOOMTROOPER basic set features seven different Card Types: Warriors, Equipment, Art Spells, Dark Symmetry, Fortifications, Missions, and Specials. Almost all DOOMTROOPER cards have the same basic layout:

1) NAME - The name of the card or the thing it represents.
2) CARD TYPE ICON - Each of the seven different card types has a corresponding icon to give you a quick reference point (each card type also shares a unique background color). The seven card types are:
WARRIORS. Warrior cards make up the backbone of the DOOMTROOPER game. Most of the action takes place through the warriors in play. Warriors are placed in your Squad or Kohort and are used to Attack other warriors in play. Warriors are also distinguishable from other cards because they contain a bit more information. In the notes area of each warrior's card are listed that warrior's four Combat Ratings.
EQUIPMENT. Equipment cards are placed on warriors to increase their combat abilities or give them special skills. Equipment cards are attached to the warrior they are played on until they are either discarded through card play or the warrior is killed. Some equipment cards are further designated as WEAPON, ARMOR, or VEHICLE. These are more specialized pieces of equipment and have special rules.
FORTIFICATION. Fortifications represent buildings and structures. They are placed in your Squad or Kohort and usually increase your warriors' defensive capabilities or give them special abilities. Fortifications remain in play throughout the game, even if you have no warriors in play.
ART. Art spells may be cast by Doomtroopers allowed to use the Art. This includes most warriors of the Brotherhood affiliation. These mystical spells may be played at various times during the game to cause special effects.
The Art is divided into a number of aspects, and most warriors are only allowed to cast spells from certain aspects. Each Art card will note on it which aspect the spell is from and when it may be played.
DARK SYMMETRY. Dark Symmetry cards are like Art cards, but they may only be used by the Dark Legion. They represent special abilities bestowed on a warrior by the Dark Apostles. Unlike Art spells, Dark Symmetry abilities are attached to a Legionnaire. A Dark Legion warrior can have any number of Dark Symmetry cards bestowed on it, although never more than one of the same card.
MISSIONS. Missions are special instructions or general strategic tactics from a warrior's superiors. Missions must be played before the mission can be carried out. A mission card always states which warriors may perform the mission and what their special instructions are. Some missions may even be assigned to players. Upon completing a mission, you or your warriors earn special bonuses.
SPECIAL. Special cards include everything that doesn't fit into the above categories. They represent everything from combat modifiers and unique events, to fate and your personal influence. A special card states in its notes box when it may be played.
3) AFFILIATION ICON - Every card has an affiliation, which tells you from which major organization the card is associated. The affiliation of most cards have no effect on the game. The major exception is with warrior cards. The affiliation of a warrior is very important in that it tells you which other warriors that warrior may attack. Affiliation also tells the "origin" of the card, which may become important during the game. For example, an equipment card with the Bauhaus affiliation can also be called a piece of Bauhaus equipment. The DOOMTROOPER basic set features eight different affiliations:
BAUHAUS. Bauhaus is controlled by the four ancient families of Duke Electors. Military service is a treasured tradition, and distinguished ranks of office grace the corridors of the Bauhaus business empire. The Bauhaus military is well known for their high quality equipment and mighty armored units. Bauhaus warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers.
CAPITOL. Capitol is the only corporation that resembles the conventional notion of a business empire. The Capitol management consists of a Board of Directors elected by the corporate shareholder citizens. The straight-shooting Capitol armed forces are the glory boys of the battlefield. Capitol warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers.
CYBERTRONIC. The most recent corporate power to emerge is also the strangest. The Cybertronic organization is primarily comprised of ex-members of other corporations, now implanted with cybermechanical machinery. In an age where electronic gadgetry is looked upon with trepidation, the Cybertronic members are seen by many, especially the Brotherhood, as heretics. Cybertronic warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers.
IMPERIAL. The aristocratic Clans of Imperial are headed by Her Imperial Serenity and the Parliament. Imperial is the weakest of the corporate powers, but has the greatest number of special forces and is a vital element to the struggle against the Dark Legion (which is appropriate as it was Imperial that enabled the Dark Legion to enter our reality). Imperial warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers.
MISHIMA. The proud and noble Mishima dynasty fields some of the most disciplined and dedicated warriors in the solar system. Family, loyalty, tradition, and glory are the staples of the Mishimese ideal. Their Shadow Walker assassins are feared by all. Mishima warriors are considered corporate warriors and Doomtroopers.
THE BROTHERHOOD. The Brotherhood represents an all-powerful power personified by the Cardinal, the spiritual leader of humanity. The Brotherhood is organized into the Four Directorates: the Mystics, the Inquisition, the Mission and the Administration. The Brotherhood is united in their struggle against the Dark Symmetry and the hideous masses of the Dark Legion. Brotherhood warriors are considered Doomtroopers.
THE DARK LEGION. The Dark Legion is evil incarnate. Led by the five Dark Apostles (Algeroth, Ilian, Demnogonis, Semai, and Muawijhe, each a unique pattern in the terrible forces that is the Dark Symmetry), the Dark Legion hordes are horrible to encounter and nearly impossible to defeat. The Dark Legion relies on the petty squabbling between the corporate powers and the easy subversion of humanity in their quest for the complete overthrow and enslavement of mankind.
GENERAL. Many cards in the DOOMTROOPER game feature the General affiliation. These cards have no specific tie to one of the above affiliations. Warriors with the General affiliation will state if they are working with the Doomtroopers or the Dark Legion. If the warrior is placed in your Squad, it is considered a Doomtrooper.
4) POST-PLAY ICON - After Art and Special cards are played, something must be done with them. Some remain in play, others are discarded, and a few are removed from the game entirely. Each Art and Special card has a small icon to the left of the picture which tells you what to do with the card after you play it (or once the effects of the card are completed). There are three such icons:
(+) ATTACH: The card is permanently attached to the card or thing it is played on. The card is considered an attachment. The attachment can only be broken through card play or if the base card is discarded (in which case all its attachments are discarded as well).
(-) DISCARD: The card is placed in your discard pile. Note that cards which are discarded generally never make it "into play." They simply affect the game during their trip from your hand to your discard pile. Cards which affect other cards "in play" do not typically affect cards with the discard symbol.
(X) ANNIHILATE: The card is placed in your annihilated pile. It has been removed from the game and may not return. Note that a card that is annihilated has NOT been discarded, it has been annihilated. This is a big difference. For example, a card that "may not be discarded" may be annihilated (and a card that "may not be annihilated" may be discarded). If you play a card with the annihilate symbol on it, and that card's effect is somehow "countered" it is STILL removed from the game, even though the effect did not occur! Note that on some cards (mostly found in expansions), annihilation is also referred to as "removing it from the game."
5) BASIC SET ICON - This small icon has no effect on the game. It merely denotes that the card is part of the DOOMTROOPER basic set. Cards from each expansion will feature a new icon in this spot.
6) NOTES - The special abilities and restrictions of the card are listed here. Note that sometimes a designation will be listed on the card in ALL-CAPITOL letters. The purpose of some of these designations are discussed in this rulebook. Others will become apparent as you play the game and your collection grows.
For warrior cards, the notes area includes four Combat Ratings. They are:
FIGHT (often abbreviated as F in card texts): This icon of a fist tells the close combat ability of the warrior. The higher the number, the better the warrior is at fighting.
SHOOT (S): This icon of a bullet tells the firearm combat ability of the warrior. The higher the number, the better the warrior is at shooting.
ARMOR (A): This icon of a shield tells the defensive ability and toughness of the warrior. The higher the number, the harder it is for an opponent to kill the warrior.
VALUE (V): This icon of a diamond tells the number of Destiny Points that must be spent to bring the warrior into play, and the number of points earned by an opponent that kills the warrior.
To start the game, all players do the following: thoroughly shuffle your playing deck and cut an opponent's deck. Then place your deck in your draw pile position on the table. Place a number of markers into a common marker pile. You can never run out of markers. Take five markers and put them into your Destiny Point pool. Then draw seven cards from the top of your draw pile to start your hand. Peacefully determine who goes first.
The Cardinals Gift
If a player does not have any warrior in his opening hand of seven cards, he may claim the Cardinals Gift. He must show his hand to the other players and pick seven new cards. The first seven cards are then shuffled back into the playing deck.
A player that does have a warrior in his opening hand may also claim the Cardinals Gift, but in this case the first seven cards are not shuffled back into the playing deck. Instead, they become the first seven cards of the players discard pile.
The Cardinals Gift may only be claimed after opening draw, and may only be claimed once by each player.
During your turn, you follow an order of play consisting of three steps. Some cards may only be played during certain steps (as noted directly on the card). When you're finished, it's your opponent's turn. The three steps are as follows:
1) Draw cards from your draw pile until your hand contains seven cards.
2) Perform up to three actions. The actions that may be performed are:
Muster Warrior
Seek Cover
Exit Cover
Muster Warrior in Cover (counts as 3 actions)
Equip Warrior
Build Fortification
Bestow Gift
Assign Mission
3) Discard a single card if you wish.
Draw cards from your Draw pile to fill your hand to seven cards. This step is mandatory. If you draw the last card from your draw pile, continue playing normally. The game does not end; you simply have no more cards to draw.
If both players run out of cards from their Draw piles, the game immediately ends, and the player with the higher number of Promotion Points wins the game. In the case of a tie, continue playing until one player has more Promotion Points than the other.
You have three actions to perform during your turn. Actions may be taken in any order, and you may perform the same action more than once during your turn. There are two exceptions.
The first is the Attack action, which may only be performed once per turn and must be the last action you perform. As soon as you attack with one of your warriors, any unused actions are lost for that turn. You may not attack during your first turn.
The second is the Muster Warrior in Cover action, which costs three actions. As you normally only have three actions, this usually completes your turn.
You do not have to perform all three actions if you do not wish. You may even perform no actions at all. Any unused actions are lost, and do not carry over to your next turn. The actions you may perform are as follows:
During this action, you may add a warrior to your Squad or Kohort. Your Squad consists of Doomtroopers, while your Kohort is filled with warriors from the dreaded Dark Legion. A warrior may attack and be attacked in the same turn in which it is Mustered (except during your first turn).
To Muster a warrior, simply take the warrior from your hand and place it in either your Squad or Kohort, and then pay the Value of the warrior in Destiny Points to the common marker pile. If you do not have enough Destiny Points, you may not Muster that warrior. Doomtroopers must be placed in your Squad, and Dark Legion warriors must be placed in your Kohort.
Example: Mike has a Venusian Ranger (Value: 4) in his hand at the start of his turn and would like to put it into play. Mike announces that he is Mustering a warrior as his first action. He takes 4 Destiny Points from his pool and puts them in the common pile, then places the Ranger in his Squad. Mustering the warrior uses up one of his three actions, so Mike has two more actions.
Note that on some cards (mostly found in the expansions), Mustering a warrior may also be referred to as Adding a warrior.
Sometimes you may want a warrior to back away from the fighting at hand and seek the protective confines of defensive terrain. You may perform a Seek Cover action on one of your warriors in play as one action. A warrior in cover is flipped so that it is face down. Warriors in cover are governed by the following rules:
* As long as you have one or more warriors in play, at least one of them must not be in cover. If one of your warriors is defeated in combat and discarded, and all your remaining warriors are in cover, you must perform an Exit Cover action on one of them as your next available action.
* Warriors in cover may not attack, but they may be attacked. Warriors in cover receive a +3 bonus to their Armor ratings.
* Wounded warriors may seek cover. They are flipped over like healthy warriors, but they remain sideways to indicate that they are wounded. (See the Attack action for information about wounded warriors).
* You may look at your warriors in cover at any time, but other players may not. If you have more than one warrior in cover, you are not allowed to mix those warriors up to confuse the other players.
You may have a warrior in cover go out into the open by performing an Exit Cover action. Flip the warrior over so it is face up. If the warrior is wounded, make sure it is still sideways. A warrior may not attack on the same turn it exits cover.
You may place a warrior into play already in cover. This uses up all three of your available actions. Unless you have a card that allows you to perform additional actions during your turn, Mustering a warrior in cover will be your only action in a turn.
A warrior entering play in cover is placed on the table in the normal status position, but face down. Your opponent should not know who the warrior in cover is until you perform an Exit Cover action on the warrior or the warrior is attacked. Do not place an entering warrior in cover directly in your Squad or Kohort. Instead, place it between the two so your opponent cannot deduce the warrior's affiliation.
You do not have to pay the Destiny Point cost for adding a warrior in cover when you first put it in play, as this might give your opponent a hint, too. Once the identity of the warrior is revealed, however, you must pay its Destiny Point cost, as in the Muster Warrior action above. If you do not have enough Destiny Points to pay for the warrior at that time, the warrior is discarded, you lose all of your Destiny Points and any remaining Destiny Points needed to pay for the warrior are taken out of your Promotion Points on a one-for-one basis. If you do not have enough Promotion Points, you lose them all and there is no further effect. You may wish to put a marker on the warrior in cover to signify that it was added in cover and has not yet been paid for.
If a combat turns out to be illegal once a warrior in cover is flipped (it must still be flipped, but remains "in cover" throughout the combat), any Destiny Points are paid (if necessary) and the combat ends. The attack action is still used up (the price of finding out who the warrior is). See the Attack action for information about legal attacks.
You may spend an action meditating. For each meditate action you perform, you may place one marker into your Destiny Point pool. You may perform meditate actions even if you have no warriors in play.
You may spend an action to attach an equipment card to one of your warriors in play, subject to the following restrictions:
* A warrior may be equipped with any number of equipment cards.
* Any warrior may use any piece of equipment, regardless of affiliation, unless it is specified otherwise in the notes on the card. For instance, Dark Legion warriors are allowed to use Brotherhood weapons. But if the weapon card states "Give to any Doomtrooper," then only Doomtroopers may use the weapon, and not Dark Legion warriors.
* Once you place an equipment card on a warrior, that card becomes attached to the warrior and may not be removed or moved to another warrior.
* You may give a warrior any number of equipment cards, but it may only use one of each copy at a time. You may give warriors multiple copies of the same card as backups in case something happens to one of them - these backups may be used immediately.
* Some equipment cards have further designations such as WEAPON, ARMOR or VEHICLE. These designations affect the equipment in special ways.
WEAPONS - The only things that are considered "weapons" are cards that specifically say FIGHT WEAPON, SHOOT WEAPON, FIGHT/SHOOT WEAPON or SPECIAL WEAPON on them. Of course, in "real" terms many other pieces of equipment are obviously weapons, but in game terms it has to say so right on the card. A warrior may only use one WEAPON during combat.
ARMOR - A card designated as ARMOR provides a suit of protection to the warrior. Unlike most other equipment cards, a warrior may only have one piece of ARMOR.
VEHICLES - Vehicles are very specialized pieces of equipment that have a unique set of rules all their own (found later). Like ARMOR, a warrior may only have one VEHICLE.
As one action, you may place a Fortification card into your Squad or Kohort (the card will state where it may be placed). The Fortification will affect all of the warriors in the same area (some Fortifications only affect individual warriors - this will be stated on the card). You may only have one copy of each Fortification in your Squad or Kohort at a time (unless the card states otherwise).
As one action, you may bestow a Dark Symmetry gift on one of your Dark Legion warriors in play. All Dark Symmetry cards are considered "gifts." These gifts are bestowed on good Dark Legion toadies for exemplary service to the Great Darkness. Dark Symmetry cards are attached to a Dark Legion warrior that may have the card as one action. The effects of a Dark Symmetry card may be used immediately.
There are two levels of gift. Dark Symmetry Gifts are less-powerful gifts that may be bestowed on any Dark Legion warrior. Gifts of Apostles (GIFT OF ALGEROTH, GIFT OF DEMNOGONIS, etc.) may only be bestowed on Followers of the Apostle mentioned (FOLLOWER OF ALGEROTH, FOLLOWER OF DEMNOGONIS, etc.).
For example, Distort is a Gift of Algeroth. Only FOLLOWERS OF ALGEROTH may have it.
Some warriors are immune to Dark Symmetry Gifts (which means just the less-powerful ones), and others are immune to Dark Symmetry Cards (which is every single Dark Symmetry card).
You may assign a mission to one of your warriors, yourself, another player or one of another player's warriors as one action. The mission card indicates who may be given the assignment. Missions assigned to warriors are placed on the warrior. Missions assigned to players are placed on the table near the player. Missions must be assigned before any part of the mission may be completed. Once the mission is completed, the mission card is discarded.
Players and warriors may have any number of different missions assigned to them, but you may not assign multiples of the same mission to the same player or warrior. Once a mission is fulfilled, you may then assign another copy of the same mission to the player or warrior. Finally, fulfilling the parameters of a mission is always optional. However, if a player or warrior does fulfill the parameters of an assigned mission, that mission must be fulfilled. You can't keep the mission in play and disregard the original fulfillment.
Chances are you will attack often during a game. Of course, combat is optional, but it is one of your primary methods for gaining Promotion Points.
You may normally only perform one attack action per turn, and this action must be the last action you perform. If you attack as your first or second action, you lose any actions you did not use. Also, you may not attack during your first turn of the game.
When you perform an attack action, one of your warriors may attack almost any other warrior in play. Combat is usually between one attacking warrior (the Attacker) and one defending warrior (the Defender). Various cards may allow additional warriors to join in the battle.
It is possible (through card play) that you may be able to perform more than one attack action during a turn. If this is the case, you may attack with the same warrior more than once, and you may attack the same warrior more than once (this is always optional). The only thing to remember is that each attack action must be conducted completely separately of any other. You must conduct an entire action before going on to the next.
Combat is a very straightforward affair, and it is broken down into a number of simple steps. First, you (as the attacking player) choose an Attacker and a Defender. Then you decide if the combat will be a Fighting combat or a Shooting combat (this is called the Battle Tactic). Next, compare the combatants' attack ratings with their Armor ratings to see how the attack is going. Both players may then play Special cards to modify the combat ratings of the warriors involved in the combat. Then the final, modified combat ratings are compared.
Any warrior that has been hit is turned sideways to indicate that it is wounded. If a wounded warrior is hit, it is killed and discarded. A dead warrior is worth a number of points equal to the slain warrior's modified Value. These points are awarded to the player whose warrior made the killing blow. They may be converted into Promotion Points or Destiny Points (or a combination of both).
The steps for combat are as follows:
1) Announce Attacker and Defender
2) Announce Battle Tactics (Fight or Shoot)
3) Determine Combat Standing
4) Modify Combat Ratings
5) Resolve Combat
6) Change Warrior Status
7) Award Points
1) ANNOUNCE ATTACKER AND DEFENDER. You (as the attacking player) choose one of your warriors in play as the Attacker and pick another warrior in play to attack (this is the Defender). No matter the outcome of the battle, the two warriors are referred to as the Attacker and the Defender throughout the combat. There are a couple of rules to keep in mind when choosing the Attacker and Defender:
* No Doomtrooper may attack another Doomtrooper from the same corporation. If a warrior shares any type of corporate membership with another, it may not be attacked. For example, Bauhaus warriors may not attack other Bauhaus warriors, but Bauhaus warriors may attack Capitol warriors.
* A Doomtrooper may never attack a member of the Brotherhood.
* Brotherhood members may only attack Dark Legion warriors, except any Brotherhood warrior designated as a MORTIFICATOR. Mortificators may attack any warrior in play, regardless of affiliation (note that other Doomtroopers and Brotherhood warriors may still not attack them).
* Dark Legion warriors may attack any other warrior in play, even other Dark Legion warriors.
* Your warriors may not attack your own warriors. However you may "force" your warriors to attack your warriors (through Special card play or Art spells, etc.).
* The first-edition concept of "attacking a player directly" has been eliminated. You may in no way attack a player directly, ever. For more about this, see the now-optional Sabotage rules in the NOTES FROM THE MASTERS section, below.
2) ANNOUNCE BATTLE TACTICS. You must now announce which type of Battle Tactic the Attacker will use. This determines which attack rating and which weapons, equipment and modifiers the Attacker and Defender may use during the combat.
Each warrior has two attack ratings, Fight and Shoot. The Attacker may charge the Defender with fist and sword, which is a close combat (in which case both warriors use their Fight ratings), or it may attack with guns blazing, which is a firearm combat (in which case both warriors use their Shoot ratings).
3) DETERMINE COMBAT STANDING. Look at the rating of your warrior's chosen attack method and compare it to the Armor rating of the opponent. If the attack rating of a warrior is equal to or greater than the Armor rating of its opponent, the opponent will be wounded.
The Defender simultaneously makes an attack of its own. Check to see how that attack is going, too.
Example: Nick is performing an attack action. He announces that Sean Gallagher (an Imperial Doomtrooper) will Fight Mike's Nepharite of Ilian (a Dark Legion warrior). Sean has a Fight rating of 10, a Shoot rating of 5, and an Armor rating of 8. The Nepharite has a Fight rating of 8, a Shoot rating of 8, and an Armor rating of 7. Since this is a close combat, only the Fight and Armor ratings are used. Because Sean and the Nepharite are striking at each other at the same time, both warriors compare both ratings. Sean attacks with a Fight rating of 10 against the Nepharite's Armor rating of 7. Because 10 is higher than 7, the Nepharite is well on its way to being wounded. The Nepharite strikes at Gallagher with a Fight rating of 8 against Sean's Armor rating of 8. Since 8 is equal to 8, the Nepharite will also wound Sean.
Be sure to include the effects of equipment cards that each warrior has, but only if they have an effect in the chosen method of combat. A warrior may only use one WEAPON during combat, but may use any number of other equipment cards that apply (but only one of each copy). Only FIGHT WEAPONS may be used in Fight combats, just as SHOOT WEAPONS may only be used in Shoot combats. FIGHT/ SHOOT WEAPONS may be used in either. For instance, a Violator Sword (a FIGHT WEAPON) has no effect in a shooting combat.
A wounded warrior (see below) battles as normal. If the Defender is in cover (its card is face down), it adds +3 to its Armor rating. A Defender in cover stays in cover throughout and after the combat, assuming it survives. Turn it face up for the combat, then turn it face down again afterwards.
Keep in mind that neither warrior has actually been wounded yet. You're just checking to see how the combat is coming along.
4) MODIFY COMBAT RATINGS. Starting with you (the attacking player), players take turns playing cards which have an effect on combat. Such cards have "Play During Combat," or a variation thereof, printed on them. Play as many cards as you like, and then indicate that you're finished. Your opponent then plays as many modifying cards as he or she wishes, and then indicates that he or she is finished. Then other players may play cards. You may then play additional cards, and so on, until no player wishes to play any more cards.
A player may play multiple copies of modifier cards on a warrior during this step, and their effects are cumulative when applicable.
Some cards allow players to change the Attacker or Defender involved in a combat. When this occurs, the player(s) in control of the new Attacker or Defender may play cards to modify the new warriors' ratings normally.
Sometimes various special cards or other effects may cause combat ratings to drop to zero or lower. Negative numbers still count. For example, a warrior with a modified Fight rating of -4 will still wound an opponent with a modified Armor of -4 or less.
5) RESOLVE COMBAT. Once all modifiers are taken into account, compare the warriors' combat values one last time and determine if either or both warriors are wounded. If the modified attack rating against a warrior is equal to or greater than the warrior's modified Armor rating, that warrior is wounded. If the modified attack rating is lower than the Armor rating, the warrior resists all of the potential damage. A warrior is either wounded by an attack or not affected at all. There is no middle ground, and damage does not "carry over" from combat to combat.
6) CHANGE WARRIOR STATUS. Warriors wounded in the battle are turned 90 degrees sideways to indicate that they are wounded. A wounded warrior is completely unaffected by the wound. Its combat ratings are not affected, nor are any of its abilities or equipment. The wounded warrior attacks and defends as normal. However, if a wounded warrior is wounded again, it is killed.
7) AWARD POINTS. If a warrior's opponent is killed, the warrior's controlling player is awarded a number of points equal to the modified Value of the slain opponent (even if the player's warrior was slain, too). If both warriors are killed, both players earn points. The points may be taken as Promotion Points or placed in your pool as Destiny Points, or they may be split between the two types as you like.
In the event that your warrior ends up in combat against another of your warriors, and either or both of your warriors is killed, you only earn Destiny Points. You never get Promotion Points for killing your own warriors, even if forced to by your opponents.
You may discard one card from your hand to your discard pile (no matter how many cards are in your hand). This ends your turn. Remember that a player's discarded and annihilated cards are placed face down, and no player may look through their own or others' discard piles! You do not have to reveal which card you discarded.
If at the beginning of any of your turns you have no warriors in play that may participate in combat at all, you have three complete turns to Muster a warrior or you lose the game. In other words, you have your current turn plus two more to get a warrior into play. If you put a warrior into play that may participate in combat at any point during these three turns, you have fulfilled this requirement.
An important point to remember is that any warrior able to participate in combat meets this requirement. Even if your warriors are not able to attack your opponent's warriors (due to the attack restrictions listed above), they are still able to participate in combat (they can attack and be attacked in some way). For the basic set, all warriors are able to participate in combat, so no players may lose while they have any warriors in play. However, there are warrior cards in the expansions that may not participate in combat at all (for example, APOSTLES and CORPORATE LEADERS). These warriors do not prevent the loss of the game.
A few cards found in expansion sets may refer to the concept of "attacking a player directly." This practice has been eliminated in second-edition DOOMTROOPER. These cards no longer have an effect on the game. Alternatively, you may use the Sabotage rules found in the NOTES FROM THE MASTERS section, below.
Every member of the Brotherhood is able to manipulate the magical forces known as the Art. The Art is divided into a number of aspects, each requiring a different method of study and magical manipulation. The various aspects are Art of Changeling, Art of Elements, Art of Exorcism, Art of Kinetics, Art of Manipulation, Art of Mentalism, and Art of Premonition. Almost every Brotherhood warrior can cast spells from at least one aspect of the Art. Some are able to cast any spell available, while others are limited to particular aspects of the Art. Each Brotherhood warrior card indicates which sorts of spells the warrior may cast. Remember that a caster must be in your Squad to use a spell.
Many Art spells have a casting cost in Destiny Points. The more Destiny Points you spend, the more powerful the spell's effects. Unless a limit is indicated on the card, you may spend as many Destiny Points as you have. If such a spell is cast during combat, you may continue to add Destiny Points to the spell throughout the Combat Modification step.
Art cards designated as a COMBAT SPELL or PERSONAL COMBAT SPELL may only be cast during combat. A COMBAT SPELL may be cast on any combatant, and the caster does not have to be involved in combat. PERSONAL COMBAT SPELLS may only be cast if the caster is actually involved in the combat, either as an Attacker, a Defender or a reinforcement.
Art spells may be cast by a warrior in cover.
Art cards may not normally be played to the benefit of the Dark Legion. You may not, for instance, cast Art spells to assist your Dark Legion warrior in combat. Remember, the sworn duty of the Brotherhood is to eradicate the Dark Legion, not help them in their nefarious goals! However, if is possible for a spellcaster to be "tainted" and turned to the side of evil. The basic thing to remember is, if the Brother is pure of heart, it may only cast spells on Doomtroopers. If it is "tainted" and is considered both a Doomtrooper and a Dark Legion Heretic, then it may cast spells on all warriors. If it has been turned into a full-blown Heretic and no longer has Doomtrooper-affiliation, it may only cast spells for the Dark Legion.
Some warriors are designated as PERSONALITY. Only one of each personality may be in play at any one time. For example, if Sean Gallagher is anywhere in play, no other Sean Gallagher cards may be put into play.
If a personality is killed or discarded, it may be brought back into play later in the game as normal (being great heroes, personalities have a knack for staying alive). In fact, the same warrior may be killed a number of times during a game and still come back for more.
In the event that you Mustered a personality into play in cover, and another player Musters that personality into play in the open, you must announce that you already have the personality in play, and show the card (and pay the D cost). Your personality is still in cover, your opponent's personality is put back into his or her hand, and all D spent to Muster that warrior is returned to the player. Treat the situation as if the Muster Warrior action never took place, and the opponent gets the action back as well.
In the instance when the same personality is added in cover by two or more players, the first one to show it's face is the "real" one, and the other copies are put back in their owner's hands (since no D was spent, none is given back, but the players do lose the actions they spent Mustering the warrior).
Many players of the first-edition of DOOMTROOPER may wish to continue the practice of "attacking a player directly." Plus, this style of play does add an interesting element to the game in general. Therefore, we have provided these optional rules, which replace the No Warriors in Play rules listed above.
If a player has no warriors in play that may participate in combat at all, you may have one of your warriors Sabotage that player as one action. Clarification: While Sabotaging is not considered an attack, your sabotaging warrior must also be able to participate in combat. By undermining a player, you increase your power, and therefore a successful sabotage will earn you valuable points. You may only sabotage each player once per turn (from your Draw step to your next Draw step).
To perform a sabotage, simply announce which of your warriors will perform the sabotage. Unless the player can play a card which will prevent the action, the sabotage will be successful. As a reward, you earn a number of points equal to one-half the modified Value (V) of your sabotaging warrior (rounded up). You may take Promotion Points, Destiny Points, or a combination of both.
You may never perform a sabotage action until all players have taken at least one turn. You may never perform a sabotage action during another player's turn. If you become able to perform actions when it is not your turn, none may ever be sabotage actions.
If a player ever runs out of cards in his or her Draw pile while the Sabotage rules are in effect, the No Warriors in Play rules immediately take effect, in addition to the Sabotage rules.
IMPORTANT: The sabotage action has replaced the first-edition concept of attacking a player directly. Many DOOMTROOPER expansion cards will refer to "attacking a player." In all circumstances, these cards now refer to a sabotage. Sabotaging a player is no longer considered an attack, and no attack actions may ever be used to sabotage a player.
Due to overwhelming player response, the following rule has been included as an alternative to the optional Sabotage rules. In other words, you may choose to play with the Sabotage rules, the Multiple Sabotage rules, or neither.
The Muiltiple Sabotage rules are the same as the Sabotage rules above, but a player MAY sabotage each player MORE THAN ONCE per turn (from your Draw step to your next Draw step).
Some cards will state CONSIDERED A [THING] on them. This indicates that the card is also assumed to be the thing it mentions, in addition to what it truly is. The purpose of these additional "considerations" will come out through card play.
Whenever a warrior is considered a different kind of warrior, it is in name only. Special abilities and such do not transfer over. For example, Mitch Hunter is "CONSIDERED AN INFANTRY WARRIOR." This means that Mitch is affected by cards that affect Infantry warriors, but it does not mean that Mitch gains any special abilities listed on the Infantry card. Those abilities do not magically "transfer" to the other card! In other words, a card only has the abilities written on its card, plus any abilities specifically provided by other cards.
Some warriors state that they may "strike first" during some combats. Warriors able to strike first always attack their opponent first in combat (even if they are the Defender). Only if the opponent survives may it strike back (i.e. if it is killed it may not strike back, but it may if it is unharmed or wounded).
Some warriors able to strike first specifically state that the combat ends if successful with their attacks. In this case, the opponent may not strike back even if it survives.
If two warriors with the strike first ability combat each other, their abilities negate one another and the combat is resolved as normal. Note, however, that some warriors are able to strike first even if their opponent also has the ability. This will all be stated on the warrior cards.
Warrior cards designated as FREELANCERS are considered Doomtroopers (unless otherwise stated on the card). They may attack and be attacked by any warrior (even Brotherhood) and may only earn Destiny Points - not Promotion Points. If a Freelancer gains a specific affiliation (through card play) it may earn Promotion Points while it has the affiliation. However, it must also adhere to the rules for attacking based on this new affiliation. Therefore, a Freelancer that is given the Imperial affiliation may not attack or be attacked by Imperial and Brotherhood warriors.
Many warriors state that it has immunity to the Dark Symmetry and/or the Art. This means that these abilities have absolutely no effect on the warrior in question. There are three types of Immunity (Immune to the Art, Immune to Dark Symmetry Gifts, Immune to Dark Symmetry cards) and they all work essentially the same. Basically, a warrior who is immune to something is not affected by that thing if it can interact with the warrior in any way.
No spells may be cast during combat if the opponent is immune to the Art, and no Dark Symmetry abilities may be used if the opponent is immune to the Dark Symmetry (but if the warrior is immune only to Dark Symmetry Gifts, it is still affected by Gifts of Apostles). No spells or special abilities may be directly used against immune warriors (this is all usually very obvious).
IMPORTANT: Immunity negates all such effects during combat. Basically, if during combat one of the combatants is immune to a mystical power, all of those effects that are currently "on" immediately "turn off." This usually only applies with "defensive" spells. For example, suppose Mike casts Improve Self on his Brotherhood warrior and then attacks Nick's Alakhai the Cunning. Nick's Dark Legion warrior will counter Mike's Improve Self effects.
The concept of "timing" is not new to many players of collectable card games, and for some games it is a major issue full of confusion and name-calling. Not so in DOOMTROOPER! In DOOMTROOPER, everything happens immediately and cannot be altered unless that alteration directly affects the thing going on at that exact moment in the game.
Some games use a system of "interrupts" to stop the play of the game in order to do something. Often this is in reaction to an event, where the other player will stop the play of the game to try to make it impossible for the acting player to perform the event that just occurred! In effect, this is like playing "backwards." In DOOMTROOPER there is no such thing as "before that happens I do this...." Once you announce what you are doing, it happens! The only way your opponent can stop your action is if he plays a card that directly affects what you are doing. Things happen as they are played, and the only way to stop them is to directly affect the card currently affecting the game. No playing backwards!
Every time a player "does something," either perform an action or play a card, the player's opponents always have a chance to alter or counter what is going on. Throwing a second card down "before anyone has a chance to respond to the first card" is impossible in DOOMTROOPER.
It is important to take turns when playing Special cards. The current player always has the opportunity to act first, just like the attacking player always has the opportunity to modify the combat first.
The one exception to this is that all of combat pretty-much takes place instantaneously. This means that effects that take place during the Modify Combat Ratings segment of combat may be countered later in the same segment, and do not have to be "immediately" affected. Usually the last cards played take precedence over the first cards played. In order to regulate this action, it is also important to take turns when playing combat modifiers. The attacker is always allowed to modify combat first, then the defender, then the other players, and then back to the attacker, etc. You will find that taking turns in this fashion greatly reduces timing conflicts.
This section was not included in the basic rules to make learning a bit easier, but these Vehicle Rules are official and should be used in all games. There are a number of different equipment and warrior cards designated as VEHICLES, and many of them are further categorized as AIRSHIPS, SUBMARINES, and TANKS. Here are some clarifications when it comes to Vehicles:
* A warrior may only be equipped with one Vehicle.
* Sometimes (but not always) a Vehicle restricts the use of other equipment while it is being used. If a Vehicle does not say that it restricts equipment, then equipment may be used. Often this restriction is in the form of WEAPONS. If the Vehicle restricts equipment, it restricts all equipment cards; if it restricts WEAPONS, then only WEAPONS are restricted, and ARMOR and other equipment may be used, etc.
* A warrior with a Vehicle must be either Inside or Outside of its Vehicle. To signify that a warrior is outside a Vehicle (thereby unable to use it or gain its effects), place the Vehicle face-down on the table next to the warrior. To signify that a warrior is inside a Vehicle, place the Vehicle face-up on the table next to the warrior. A warrior may enter and exit its Vehicle as many times it wants during a turn, but each time it enters or exits you must use one action. When you enter/exit the Vehicle, simply flip the Vehicle card over.
* When a warrior is first equipped with a vehicle, the player must announce if the warrior is inside or outside the Vehicle, and place the Vehicle accordingly. If you choose to have the warrior initially outside the Vehicle, you must still show it to your opponents. Placing the warrior initially inside the Vehicle does not cost an additional action.
* An important thing to remember is that since warriors in cover are not allowed to be in Vehicles (see below), if you give a Vehicle to a warrior in cover it must be outside (and you still must show it to your opponents, as noted above, even if the warrior itself has not yet revealed).
* A warrior may only gain the benefits of a Vehicle when it is inside the Vehicle.
* If the warrior is inside its Vehicle and the Vehicle is discarded, the warrior is wounded (no points are earned if the warrior is killed). If the warrior is outside its Vehicle and the Vehicle is discarded, the warrior is not affected.
* If the warrior is outside the Vehicle, it may use other equipment with no restrictions. The warrior is still considered to have possession of the Vehicle.
* If the warrior is inside the Vehicle, the following things are enforced:
a) The warrior may not gain the benefits of fortifications.
b) Opponents of the warrior may gain the benefits of their fortifications.
c) The warrior may not Seek Cover. A warrior in cover may not enter the Vehicle, and must Exit Cover before entering the Vehicle. If a warrior inside its Vehicle is "forced" into cover through card play, it is forced out of its Vehicle as well.
* A warrior inside an AIRSHIP or a SUBMARINE may not attack or be attacked by another warrior with a Fight combat. If a warrior with an AIRSHIP or SUBMARINE wishes to attack another by Fighting, it must first exit the AIRSHIP or SUBMARINE. Generic VEHICLES and TANKS are not affected in this way.
* A warrior that is "Considered a Vehicle" is always assumed to be inside, and may never exit.
When more than two people are playing DOOMTROOPER, there are two things to keep in mind. First, play always proceeds clockwise around the table. Second, the players have to determine the style of play. Try out the following options and use them as you like. Also, feel free to invent your own.
Option 1: Free for All. No restrictions. All players may freely attack all other players. This is the "classic" way to play DOOMTROOPER.
Option 2: Primary Targets. Each player has one opponent as a Primary Target, and the other opponents are Secondary Targets. Your Primary Target is the player to your left. You may attack your Primary Target's warriors normally. You may attack the warriors of a Secondary Target, too, but you must first pay 2 Destiny Points each time you do.
Option 3: Teams. If the number of players works out evenly, divide into teams. Each team starts the game with 10 Destiny Points in a common team pool, no matter how many players are on a team. Team members may only add to and draw from the points in their common team pool. Team members do not share Squads, Kohorts or cards. The team that first acquires a pre-determined number of Promotion Points (say 50) wins the game.
This Starter Set is only a stepping stone to a much more diverse game. In fact, the basic DOOMTROOPER set is comprised of over 300 different cards, and when you include the expansions, there are well over 1200 unique DOOMTROOPER cards!
You can acquire more of these cards in two ways. One is by buying more Starter Sets because each one contains a random assortment of the available cards. Or you can buy Booster Packs: packs of DOOMTROOPER cards packaged in the same format as other, more traditional trading cards, like sports cards. You can find Booster Packs where you purchased this Starter Set.
As you collect DOOMTROOPER cards, your set will probably become large enough that you could not possibly use all of the cards in a single game. That's fine, just play with the cards you want. One of the best features of DOOMTROOPER is that you can plan your playing strategy around the cards you put into your playing deck.
This is called deck building, and it's fun to experiment with different card mixes when you aren't playing the game. Try out those new decks on your opponents and see how they work! If they don't give you the advantage you were hoping for, simply change the card mix and try again.
Of course, if your strategy worked really well and you decimated your opponent, you'd better believe that he or she will be ready for you next time with a new deck that won't be as easy to beat. You can have as many cards in your playing deck as you want, but there are two rules to deck building:
1) You must have at least 60 cards in your playing deck at the start of the game.
2) You may not have more than five copies of the exact same card in your deck at the beginning of the game. For instance, when the game begins, you can't have more than five Narrow Escape cards in your deck.
Once you've played DOOMTROOPER a few times and increased the size of your collection, you'll find deck building challenging and rewarding. It ensures that your games will always be unique and interesting.
There are more DOOMTROOPER expansion sets available than almost any other collectable card game. What's more, just about every expansion introduces a new Card Type into the game, and these new cards radically change the strategies within the game.

The Inquisition expansion features over 170 new cards. This expansion spotlights the Brotherhood and Dark Legion, with a host of new Art spells and Dark Symmetry abilities. Also featured are the new Relic cards.
Relics are ancient artifacts of great power. Originally, Relic cards could only be played if you had previously played a Noted Collector card. This is hereby changed; you do not need to be a NOTED COLLECTOR in order to put a Relic card into play. Instead:
* A Relic card may be attached to your warrior that may have it as one action.
* All Relic cards are unique; you may never play a Relic card if there already is an identical Relic card in play. Copies of discarded Relics may enter play again later.
* Relics are not considered Equipment.

The Warzone expansion features over 130 new cards. This expansion spotlights the corporate powers, with numerous new warriors and effects to give your basic troops some well-deserved support. Also featured are the new Warzone cards.
Warzones are raging battlefields in the Mutant Chronicles setting. Originally, Warzone cards could only be played if you had previously played a Grand Tactician card. This is hereby changed; you do not need to be a GRAND TACTICIAN in order to put a Warzone card into play. Instead:
* Warzone cards are added to your Squad/Kohort as one action each (the card will state where it may be played).
* Any number of identical Warzones may be in play, but YOU may only have one copy of each Warzone in play.
* When your warrior is the Defender in a combat, that warrior may choose to defend from one of the Warzones in its Squad/Kohort.
1) The defending player announces if his or her warrior will Defend from a Warzone, and which one, after the Battle Tactic is announced.
2) Only the Defender gains the F, S A and V modifiers listed on the Warzone card, but all combatants are affected by the text on the card.
* If you defend from a Warzone, neither combatant may use effects from fortification cards. Equipment and warriors that are considered fortifications may be used.
* When attacking, you may not use your Warzones. Your Squad members may not use your Kohort`s Warzones and vice versa.

The Mortificator expansion features over 120 new cards. This expansion spotlights those fierce Brotherhood assassins, the Mortificators, and provides a number of cards for their benefit, including a complete subset of Special cards designated as POISONS for their use only. There are no new card types in the Mortificator expansion.

The Golgotha expansion features 80 new game cards, plus each booster pack also contains 1 of 11 completely free Info Cards, containing game info and other Mutant Chronicles-related items. This expansion includes the new Alliance cards.
The seven Alliances are the cornerstones of the Mutant Chronicles universe, and most warriors belong to one of them. Players may openly state they wish to play one of the alliances, giving his or her warriors from that alliance a considerable bonus.
Alliance cards may be played at any time, and do not require any actions to be played. Each player may only have one Alliance card in play. Alliance cards may never be discarded or annihilated, except by cards that specifically discard or otherwise remove Alliance cards from the game. All Alliance cards are unique. You may never play an Alliance card if there is already an identical Alliance card in play.

The Apocalypse expansion features 80 new game cards, plus each booster pack also contains 1 of 10 completely free Info Cards, containing several new clarifications and rules. This expansion spotlights the Mishima corporation, and includes the new KI POWER cards.
Over the long centuries, the Mishimen have developed powers strange to the other corporations and the Brotherhood, called Ki Powers. Most who use Ki Powers show no trace of the Darkness and some are more resilient to it than ordinary people.
* Ki Power cards may be attached to any Mishima-affiliated warrior as one action each. A warrior may only have one copy of each Ki Power card attached to it (no duplicates).
* The warrior gains the effects listed on the Ki Power card while it is attached.
* Ki Powers may be given to warriors who gain the Mishima affiliation through card play. If a warrior loses his Mishima affiliation he may keep his Ki Powers, but no more may be attached until he regains his Mishima affiliation.

It's time to find out what happened to all those left behind on Earth centuries ago! The Paradise Lost expansion is a totally new direction for DOOMTROOPER. This epic expansion features over 120 game cards, plus each booster also contains 1 of 11 completely free rule cards providing all the exciting new changes. Included in this expansion are four new affiliations, new Beast cards representing enormous Earth creatures, and a completely new area to place your warriors - the Outpost!
Brethren, I fear we have a new threat. A threat within our own backyard. I have detected the taint of Symmetry nearby. Surely the corporate scouts have discovered in person what I have learned through my meditation and trust in the Art. But their greed will make them zealous, and their pride will make them certain of their abilities to crush any resistance. They will not anticipate the power of those they wish to dominate. What is worse, I foresee the Dark Legion allied with a welcoming host of humanity.
The people we left behind those thousands of years ago have once again risen into a semblance of civilization. The Earth is a hotbed of disease and corruption. Even the air is unfit to breathe. Yet they thrive. I foresee the taint of the Dark Legion among them. Not all of them, no, but many. So many.
You must return to Dark Eden, to cleanse it as much as you are able. Focus your attentions on the desolated lands that were once called Europe. Later, we will spread our influence to the four corners of the globe. Trust no one, not even our corporate allies. Beware the native peoples, but do not completely alienate them. The entire planet is flowing with deceit, greed, and desolation. And hope. Yes, there is hope as well. Perhaps some good can be done, eventually. But for now, there is only the Cardinal's Cleansing Flame. For now, we must deal with this Paradise Lost.
Paradise Lost features the Dark Eden setting of forsaken Earth. This setting is also featured in a number of MUTANT CHRONICLES RPG products as well as its own collectable card game, also called DARK EDEN. This expansion is not compatible with the DARK EDEN CCG, and you do not need to be familiar with any of the other Dark Eden products to use the Paradise Lost expansion.
The warriors of Dark Eden may not leave the planet, so any interaction with these new forces must be on Earth itself. There is now a new area to place your warriors, called your Outpost, located between your Squad and Kohort. Your Outpost is where you place all warriors that inhabit Earth, either as native people or transferred warriors from off-world. Note that the other planets are still jointly represented by your Squad and Kohort. Your Squad, Kohort and Outpost are each an Area. When a card refers to an Area, it means Squad, Kohort or Outpost.
Since the Outpost is the first real manifestation of a specific and permanent place in the game, it may be easy to think that certain abilities would not carry into the Outpost from the Squad or Kohort. This is not true. Remember that in DOOMTROOPER, your Squad and Kohort actually represent your "good" and "evil" forces all over the solar system, not just on a particular battlefield. Therefore, the influence of your warriors currently extends from Mercury to the Asteroid Belt in the abstract nature of the game. Earth is just another planet along the way, and falls under these areas of influence.
Cards that normally affect warriors in your Squad or your Kohort (like fortifications and other warriors) extend their abilities into the Outpost when there are legal targets in the Outpost, and extend to your Squad or Kohort when the affecting card is in your Outpost. In these cases only, you can think of the Outpost as an extension of your Squad when there are Doomtroopers on Earth, and as an extension of your Kohort when there are Dark Legion warriors on Earth. For example, the Venusian Marshal card states "For each Venusian Marshal in your Squad, all your non-Personality Bauhaus warriors (but not Venusian Marshals) gain +2 to F, S and A." If you have a Venusian Marshal in your Squad, even the Bauhaus warriors in your Outpost gain the bonus. Likewise, a Venusian Marshal in your Outpost will affect Bauhaus warriors in your Outpost and Squad.
Paradise Lost features four new affiliation icons. Each represents one of the native powers on Earth. These four affiliations are grouped under the general term of Tribal affiliations. When a card refers to a Tribal warrior, it means a warrior from one of these four affiliations. This means there are now three major organizations, Doomtroopers, Dark Legion warriors and Tribal warriors. The new affiliations are:
THE SONS OF RASPUTIN - A proud people, the Rasputins control the eastern European region. Their huge war machines are only dwarfed by their smoke-spewing cities.
THE TEMPLARS - These mutated humans rely on shear power to dominate their foes. They see their mutations as nature's way of proclaiming them the true rulers of Dark Eden.
CRESCENTIA - True nomads, the Crescentians travel from locale to locale with their homes and villages mounted atop enormous beasts. They are ever-loyal to their Khan and the words of their Prophets.
THE LUTHERAN TRIAD - While certainly the least powerful of the European tribes, the Lutherans are undeniably the most dedicated. Their wrath toward the other tribes makes them competent foes, and their highly religious nature keeps them strong.
* Beast cardss represent the indigenous animals found throughout Dark Eden that may be ridden by warriors into battle, like VEHICLES.
* You may give a Beast to a warrior that may have it as one action.
* A warrior may only be given a Beast if the warrior is in your Outpost.
* A warrior may have either one Beast or one VEHICLE. It may not have more than one Beast or VEHICLE, and may not have a Beast and a VEHICLE. It may have other Equipment and Relics as normal.
* Unlike VEHICLES, when you give a warrior a Beast it is assumed that the warrior is always riding the Beast. A warrior must always use its Beast during combat.
* The Beast card features modifiers to F, S, A and V that are applied to the warrior that is riding the Beast. These modifiers are applied to the base ratings of the warrior before all other modifiers. In effect, they create new base ratings.
* A warrior with a Beast may not voluntarily leave the Outpost while the Beast is attached. If the warrior is "forced" to leave the Outpost through Special card play, the Beast is discarded (unless the warrior is moved to another Outpost).
* A warrior with a Beast may gain the effects from fortifications, and may be in cover.
* Warriors "Considered Beasts" may not have Beasts or Vehicles, may not Transfer (see below), are discarded if forced out of an Outpost, gain the effects of Fortifications, and may be in Cover.
Actions you gain from warriors and other cards in your Squad or Kohort may be used with warriors in your Outpost, and vice-versa (unless the warrior's extra actions must be used by that warrior, as stated on its card).
* Tribal warriors may only enter play in the Outpost.
* The Tribal affiliations hate each other, and will not work together. You may not Muster a warrior of one Tribal affiliation to your Outpost if there is already a warrior from another Tribal affiliation there.
* Equipment that me be given to "any warrior" may be given to Tribal warriors.
* A fortification may only be Built in your Outpost if it is specifically stated on the card. Most fortifications state that they are placed in either your Squad or Kohort; these cards may not be Built in your Outpost. Cards that are Built away from your Squad and Kohort (like Club Arkadin) may not be Built in your Outpost, either.
* The exception is if the fortification is given to a warrior (like Installation or Foxhole). These cards may be given to warriors in your Outpost (and these fortifications must stay in the Outpost).
* Cards with Warzone-specific abilities (like a warrior with Ki Teleportation) do not lose those abilities when they are in the Outpost, and the effect applies to Outpost-specific Warzones as well.
You may use the new Transfer action to move your Doomtroopers and Dark Legion warriors to and from your Outpost.
* No Transfer actions may be made by any warrior until at least one warrior has entered play in an Outpost. Once any warrior enters play in any Outpost, Transfer actions may be taken. (Added 11/29/01)
* Transferring costs one action, unless the Transferring warrior has or is considered a VEHICLE, in which case it costs two actions to Transfer.
* You may Transfer a Doomtrooper from your Squad to your Outpost or from your Outpost to your Squad.
* You may Transfer a Dark Legion warrior from your Kohort to your Outpost or from your Outpost to your Kohort.
* You may not Transfer Tribal warriors. They must stay in your Outpost.
* A warrior may only voluntarily Transfer once per turn (from your Draw step to your next Draw step). It may Transfer more than once if "forced" to by Special card play.
* You may not have both Doomtroopers and Dark Legion warriors in your Outpost at the same time. For example, you may not Transfer a Dark Legion warrior into an Outpost that contains at least one Doomtrooper.
* If a Doomtrooper becomes a Heretic which is still considered a Doomtrooper (like through the Tainted card) then it may be in an Outpost with other Doomtroopers (and it may even be in an Outpost with Dark Legion warriors). But if a Doomtrooper in an Outpost is fully turned into a Dark Legion minion (like through the Dark Visitation card) and other Doomtroopers are in the Outpost, then for your next available action you must transfer it to your Kohort,
* Tribal warriors have no such affiliation restrictions. Doomtroopers and Tribal warriors may work together, as may Tribal warriors and Dark Legion warriors.
* A warrior that "may not be in your Squad or Kohort" (like the Renegade Apostate) may be Transferred to your Outpost, and may interact with both Doomtrooper and Dark Legion warriors while on Earth. If the warrior Transfers off of the Outpost, it returns to its "unaffiliated" area.
* If your spies detect possible enemy movement on Earth, you must go check it out. Therefore, if any opponent has a warrior in his or her Outpost (of any affiliation), you must Transfer at least one warrior to your Outpost during your next regular action. As long as there are warriors in an Outpost, all players must have a warrior in his or her Outpost.
Warriors in your Outpost may never attack warriors in Squads or Kohorts. Likewise, warriors in Squads and Kohorts may never attack warriors in Outposts. Even if a card is played that may change the attacker or defender of a combat to any other warrior in play (like Greater Telepathy), you may not break this rule!
The warriors of the various Tribal affiliations may attack and be attacked by any other warrior, regardless of affiliation, even other like-affiliated warriors (for example, Templars may attack other Templars).
A player may only be sabotaged if he or she has no warriors in play that are able to be in combat, as normal. Even Tribal warriors may sabotage a player. Therefore, if an opponent has an empty Squad and Kohort, but has a warrior in his or her Outpost, your Squad member may not sabotage the player because he or she has at least one warrior in play.
Any warrior able to cast Art spells may cast them to the benefit and disadvantage of Tribal warriors.
Many cards state that they may be played on a warrior in a Squad or a Kohort, or in the Squad and Kohort itself. Despite the presence of the new Outpost, these designations still apply. If a card may only be played "on a Doomtrooper in a Squad," it may not be played on a Doomtrooper in your Outpost. But if it says "play on any Doomtrooper" then it may be played on a Doomtrooper in any Area.
Cards which affect another card "in play" may still affect that card, even if one or the other is in the Outpost. For example, a Bauhaus Great Infurior in a Squad may destroy a fortification in an Outpost.